how was wacken???

@Evi (Leprechaun): it was fun seeing you again too!!! :wave:

@Mocika: I have to use that pic in the review (forgot to ask you earlier)!!

@Angelwitch: Cheryl, I missed you so much at Wacken!!! And for those who are wondering what you missed, here's a little reprise from last year:


@ Gaunerin: you STILL didn't get that "popo-klatsch" did you????!!! :lol:
Marlies said:
@ Gaunerin: you STILL didn't get that "popo-klatsch" did you????!!! :lol:

no :erk: ( :D )
I still have 3 (!) to get! But he told me there has to be at least sort of an audience that would make it a bit more embarassing for me :eek: (mr Mickelson :lol: )

And I also thought of that pic too but I thought it was too huge to post here.........and now you're doing it anyway......... *REVE* ;)
it was my first Wacken this year, I loved it :) I think I had the happiest time of my life there.. and I'm going to do all I can to get there again!!


btw, I haven't seen Nico headbanging, but SHE is the master of headbanging, definatly!!
hehe.......yep, Marlies knows how to do it - especially against monitor boxes and such :lol: (gives "bang your head against the stage like you never did before" a whole new meaning :D )
And many months later........ time to dig up the Wacken thread! \m/

It was fun again! It seemed shorter..... it WAS shorter! For I didn't go see bands on the thursday, there were less bands (more space in the schedules, starting later on the day) and we left on saturday night...... but we had fun! I'm gonna have pics up soon, and we're all working on our reviews still :)