How we all feel about IMF09's departure


Dec 16, 2002
Was going to post this in the other thread but it's closed. Has to be said though...

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I honestly thought he was hilarious and despite being over the top he knew a lot about Anthrax and was a die hard fan of their joey era. I think it's always a shame when people get banned. I think he might have posted some over the top stuff but big deal. People are too sensitive. I rarely post here but am always reading it when I do he was always getting people talking and kept this forum active during the dead periods.

I think without him on this forum it just won't be the same. Love him or hate him he was a key part of this forum.
at first he was over the top but he did keep the board busy lol,cool that we are getting more members here,it should be a relaxed place here
Honestly I think it's sad that it came to that. Totally avoidable. People react differently to stuff, that's life, should be respected. We just cannot assume everyone sees the same thing as a joke when we all know damn well things became personal. I don't like anyone being banned and that's the truth.
Honestly I think it's sad that it came to that. Totally avoidable. People react differently to stuff, that's life, should be respected. We just cannot assume everyone sees the same thing as a joke when we all know damn well things became personal. I don't like anyone being banned and that's the truth.

Way to go Stompmosher, hope you are happy now! I don't know how things can become personal when nobody really knows anyone. But Im sure you will be happy here now that he isn't making fun of your posts anymore.. so I guess you got what you wanted so good job!
Way to go Stompmosher, hope you are happy now! I don't know how things can become personal when nobody really knows anyone. But Im sure you will be happy here now that he isn't making fun of your posts anymore.. so I guess you got what you wanted so good job!

I knew this was coming. Do you think I'm the only one? Really? He had previous threads locked up because the admin saw it for themselves, he was also warned, so he brought it upon himself. I'm not happy it came to this. Did you read my post properly? Don't blame me, I never started anything. If you read my posts properly, I was very fair and actually respectful of his opinions. Every heard of treating people how you would like to be treated?
I knew this was coming. Do you think I'm the only one? Really? He had previous threads locked up because the admin saw it for themselves, he was also warned, so he brought it upon himself. I'm not happy it came to this. Did you read my post properly? Don't blame me, I never started anything. If you read my posts properly, I was very fair and actually respectful of his opinions. Every heard of treating people how you would like to be treated?

I don't know the details I haven't been here much lately. But I saw how you were saying you were reporting him to the mods or something and everyone on here was saying you need to stop crying. I found it quite humorous don't know why you take things so personally lighten up a bit. You seem quite defensive here usually that is a sign of guilt :lol:
Honestly I think it's sad that it came to that. Totally avoidable. People react differently to stuff, that's life, should be respected. We just cannot assume everyone sees the same thing as a joke when we all know damn well things became personal. I don't like anyone being banned and that's the truth.

Shut the fuck up faggot. Now you are known here as a crying bitch who whines and gets people banned.

I cant fucking believe this.. :puke:
he is hilarious and he knows a lot about Anthrax and is a die hard fan. People are too sensitive. he was always getting people talking and kept this forum active during the dead periods. I think without him on this forum it just won't be the same. he was a key part of this forum.
same here
I don't know the details I haven't been here much lately. But I saw how you were saying you were reporting him to the mods or something and everyone on here was saying you need to stop crying. I found it quite humorous don't know why you take things so personally lighten up a bit. You seem quite defensive here usually that is a sign of guilt :lol:

Well there you go, you said yourself you don't know the details. I challenge you to go and read the threads if you can, judge for yourself. The mods posted there own warning and when it was ignored I copied that warning as a reminder. I'm read the Stompmosher Video blog thread. Read the thread about the new Armoured Saint tour dates thread and tell me it's not personal. Listen I can take a joke but shit goes too far, I'm not the only one either. You have to know people before you kow what you can get away with and what you cant, period. That's not crying, that's fucking respect.
Well there you go, you said yourself you don't know the details. I challenge you to go and read the threads if you can, judge for yourself. The mods posted there own warning and when it was ignored I copied that warning as a reminder. I'm read the Stompmosher Video blog thread. Read the thread about the new Armoured Saint tour dates thread and tell me it's not personal. Listen I can take a joke but shit goes too far, I'm not the only one either. You have to know people before you kow what you can get away with and what you cant, period. That's not crying, that's fucking respect.

Were you the overweight kid growing up that always told on people who made fun of you? Grow up man, get a life. It's a heavy metal bands forum not some politically correct online counseling center. Stop crying! If you want respect get it for yourself. I was in jail for about 4 months and believe me if someone told the authorities on someone for not respecting them they would get literally beaten to death. I have no respect for any grown man who has to resort to 'authorities' to handle their business for them. Hopefully you never end up in Jail or you are fucked... literally! :lol:
Were you the overweight kid growing up that always told on people who made fun of you? Grow up man, get a life. It's a heavy metal bands forum not some politically correct online counseling center. Stop crying! If you want respect get it for yourself. I was in jail for about 4 months and believe me if someone told the authorities on someone for not respecting them they would get literally beaten to death. I have no respect for any grown man who has to resort to 'authorities' to handle their business for them. Hopefully you never end up in Jail or you are fucked... literally! :lol:

No I wasn't the fat kid. Had lotsa friends. Never been to Jail either. That's big difference in character between you and me right there. I don't care about what goes on in Jail. That's a different environment. What makes you say I had anything to do with him being banned? He banned himself in the end. The Mods here are very lenient so he must have done something to piss them off hey?.......I wont go to Jail, I know the difference between right and wrong. Stop Crying blah,blah,blah. I wasn't about me, he disrespected anyone the likes bush era Anthrax. That's Fucked. If you gonna reply, think of something new.
it's shocking that some crying by a new member can get a daily posting-member who has been on the board for 8 years banned. maidenboy wasn't everybody's friend on here, sometimes he just told the truth that some people didn't want to hear. he often stated his opinions as facts but without him this forum will be dead as a doornail. his offensive posts started longer threads and kept the forum going. i really can't imagine this forum without him unless 6er is coming back:lol: it's members like 6er or maidenboy who keep a board alive and active.
he disrespected anyone the likes bush era Anthrax.
yes but in 8 years it hasn't been that big of a problem. the Bushthrax-fans on here have always been able to defend themselves against people like maidenman or 6er. if someone is bitchin' at you at a local bar will you call the police?
it's shocking that some crying by a new member can get a daily posting-member who has been on the board for 8 years banned. maidenboy wasn't everybody's friend on here, sometimes he just told the truth that some people didn't want to hear. he often stated his opinions as facts but without him this forum will be dead as a doornail. his offensive posts started longer threads and kept the forum going. i really can't imagine this forum without him unless 6er is coming back:lol: it's members like 6er or maidenboy who keep a board alive and active.

You guys just dont get it because you were hardly ever targets so it's easy for you to have your opinion. He banned himself and went too far. Simple. I had the guts to state what 90% are probably thinking.

You know what, defending an insult is not crying. So going by your logic when a Black person is called a my pals, it's just a joke so it's OK, or when Japan attacked America, America started crying and finally (and long overdue) joined WW2. Yet another response about crying. You guys have been for the past 20 years so stop being a hypocrite.
yes but in 8 years it hasn't been that big of a problem. the Bushthrax-fans on here have always been able to defend themselves against people like maidenman or 6er. if someone is bitchin' at you at a local bar will you call the police?

Is that the best of your argument? I was always just defending myself. The Mods did that banning not me. I'd love to see how anyone else would have handled some of the stuff that was directed to me and a few others. Especially the Astroglyde comment. Not funny.