How we all feel about IMF09's departure

You guys just dont get it because you were hardly ever targets so it's easy for you to have your opinion.
Shitstorm is attacking me all the time and i 've never called for authorities. if he's going too far then i will start a thread and put him in his place and that's it. it works well.
IEspecially the Astroglyde comment. Not funny.

That was very funny actually. If you really take it that seriously you have serious mental problems. And don't be judging my character you fat fuck, you don't know a damn thing about me or why I was in Jail. Talk about judging someone on a personal level, you are a hypocrite. The only thing I know about you is you are a fat fuck who resorts to playing cover songs on youtube for fun. Well and that you are a bitch
That was very funny actually. If you really take it that seriously you have serious mental problems. And don't be judging my character you fat fuck, you don't know a damn thing about me or why I was in Jail. Talk about judging someone on a personal level, you are a hypocrite. The only thing I know about you is you are a fat fuck who resorts to playing cover songs on youtube for fun. Well and that you are a bitch

At least I can play, can you? Do better if yoiu can. I wasn't judging your character. I was talking about me more than you LOL.Just that I am different to you. Keep it up the attacks man, you may be next. Gee, I'm a beach ball LOL. I know I can outrun a lot a pepole, maybe even you. Next..........
@Stompmosher: you've gotten rid of imf09 now it seems that you are getting in trouble with mr. strickland like Marty McFly. wanna ban him too? why not getting rid of all the board members that have been here long before you? then you can post your youtube-guitar covers but there's no one left to watch 'em.
I'm not the one getting anyone banned LOL. Mods ban people the last time I checked. He was warned by the Mods, he ignored that, how is that my problem. LOL again. How does it feel to gang up. It's just myself here. I feel privelidged that it takes many against me.
your chance to become the next ironmaidenfan09 since you've eliminated him:lol:. i see that you're pretty active in here, 351 posts in 1 month, not bad. if you become more sarcastic, obscene, more entertaining and less sensitive than maybe one day you can replace him.
I'm not the one getting anyone banned LOL. Mods ban people the last time I checked. He was warned by the Mods, he ignored that, how is that my problem. LOL again. How does it feel to gang up. It's just myself here. I feel privelidged that it takes many against me.

I just realized you have just joined this in the past month and are causing such drama, getting people banned, calling for me to get banned. I have to give you props though. You have been on this forum for a month and got a guy banned who was here for 8 years. That is impressive. When everyone on this forum is all banned I hope you feel good about yourself. You are truly a fat bitch.

i thought metal was about not giving a fuck, doing your own thing, against authority. I guess not in your eyes. if I was a moderator I'd delete all of your off topic stupid youtube videos of your self playing non anthrax songs. Seeing some fat guy play guitar is not what I want to see on an Anthrax forum.
your chance to become the next ironmaidenfan09 since you've eliminated him:lol:. i see that you're pretty active in here, 351 posts in 1 month, not bad. if you become more sarcastic, obscene, more entertaining and less sensitive than maybe one day you can replace him.

I never wanted this and that's the truth. I thought he deserved at least 1 more warning. I don't want to replace anyone. I'm sorry it went this far. Ya know in general metal fans stick together. He was the one dividing. We should be allowed to disagree for sure, I've always said that. Respect was never reciprical with IMFAN09 to the point of personal attacks. I'm amazed as he had done worse in the past before I came along.
I never wanted this and that's the truth. I thought he deserved at least 1 more warning. I don't want to replace anyone. I'm sorry it went this far. Ya know in general metal fans stick together. He was the one dividing. We should be allowed to disagree for sure, I've always said that. Respect was never reciprical with IMFAN09 to the point of personal attacks. I'm amazed as he had done worse in the past before I came along.

From what I can tell you are the one dividing. You should get banned for getting him banned. Eye for an Eye. You show no respect for anyone by crying to modz to get people banned. You should be ashamed of yourself
I just realized you have just joined this in the past month and are causing such drama, getting people banned, calling for me to get banned. I have to give you props though. You have been on this forum for a month and got a guy banned who was here for 8 years. That is impressive. When everyone on this forum is all banned I hope you feel good about yourself. You are truly a fat bitch.

i thought metal was about not giving a fuck, doing your own thing, against authority. I guess not in your eyes. if I was a moderator I'd delete all of your off topic stupid youtube videos of your self playing non anthrax songs. Seeing some fat guy play guitar is not what I want to see on an Anthrax forum.

I'm not calling for anything. When did I say this? Name calling, wow that's intelligent. :headbang: I'm so fat greenpeace has to roll me back into the sea.
Calling me names will leed to your own banning. I'm not complaining to the Mods. They will notice for themselves. Keep it up. Next.......
You're giving Stompmosher too much credit if you think he caused the ban, so get off his back. And for the personal attacks.... seriously, are you fuckin' 12.
Everybody saw IMF09's constant barrage of negativity. He was relentless.
Anyway, I really hoped he'd stick around, but that's not the way it went.
Geez aren't we all taking things around here a tad too seriously???

As DumAss said above, IMF's barages had gone on for months. But I thought this whole episode (soap opera??!!) was amusing, hence my original post. I thought it was one big laugh!

Let's move on and enjoy Worship Music or whatever the fuck Anthrax you wanna listen to.
Is Maidenfan really banned? Gee, I'm sorry... He is a cool guy, and he does know a lot, although he needs to be arrested for constantly throwing stuff out of his car window.
I'm sure he'll be back soon, so there is no need to call each other names. Regular members do not have access to the proverbial button that buns people, the mods do, so get off Stompmosher's case.
Kirkland, Anthrax_Mosher, & Thrashard,
Stompmosher had nothing to do with this, so let it go. I've been locking ironmaidenfan's threads where he has been attacking other members, not just Stompmosher. He's been posting this stuff for a long time now and it was getting old.

Like some other posters on here, I liked what he brought to the table when he wasn't being rude and disrespectful to other posters. I didn't want to see him leave or get banned. I just wanted him to cut it out with the personal attacks.

I sent him a PM asking him to lay off and quit with the astroglide, dildo up asses, and lame video posts attacking other members. This morning I came back to find he had replied to my PM in his typical smart-ass tone, and I saw his, "last post ever" threads. One of the other mods talked to the admins and had him banned.

He has only himself to blame.

OK, as I don't have enough time to flame all you trolls one at a time here's the board rules:

1) Board membership is a privilege, not a right.

2) We love opinions, we love bitching, we love John Bush. We love your mom. Keep shit on topic and punches above the belt. Personal attacks on Anthrax members or other board members of any type will not be tolerated.

3) First offense will probably result in me ripping you a new asshole. Second offense will get you warned by the take no shit metalheads at who have more tattoos and fewer teeth than you do. Third offense you will be banned and continue to be banned. Go to where you're wanted and can all take collective solace in your hatred for all things Anthrax. Quit cluttering our board with your boring lame ass shit.

Love you long time,

Brentney Spears

Official Anthrax Bitch
Wow... just wow. I seriously can't believe what I'm reading. This dude Stompmosher CLEARLY has no life. The stuff IMF09 posted was fucking FUNNY, especially the video blog and Armored Saint tour dates. Learn to laugh guy... getting all butt-hurt and crying up and down the board just proves IMF09 right. If certain posts he made upset you, why not take the high-road and ignore it? Or give him a taste of his own medicine and post something funny making fun of him?

It doesn't matter how 'personal' someone gets with you on here, because like someone else already mentioned, THIS IS A HEAVY METAL MESSAGE BOARD AND ITS ALL JUST FOR FUN AND NO ONE REALLY KNOWS EACH OTHER. PERIOD. What is so hard to grasp about that? This is the truth, no matter how many times you try to explain and defend yourself. This board just became a lot more pussy-ified thanks to you. Anything else I could add has already been said.
I'd love to observe IMF09 in his daily activities. It'd be neat to watch him interact with people in real life. Like, what kind of a job does he have and how do people treat him there? However, I'd like to do this from a distance as the guy seems like a sort of sociopath.
...and just 'cos this is a metal board...rude behavior is OK? You can be fun or whatever in many ways...that dude wasn't least I didn't understand his my opinion he was just - for some reason that I don't know - always angry and always against...he loved Joey era...but NOT Worship Music... you get my point?

...I'm NOT going to shed a tear 'cos he is gone...NOT going to miss his photo... but perhaps we all can learn to behave at least a bit...or something. I'm just as guilty as he was...:)
