How we all feel about IMF09's departure

Hey fellas,

I cleaned out a few posts. Getting personal with insults and threats (especially in a situation like this) isn't accomplishing anything. Venting about something is one thing, but it creates a huge pita when things start snowballing with all the personal insults, so I removed.

I've rarely had issues with the Anthrax forum, or any of you guys. Anyone that I have we've worked it out and all ha sbeen well (been forever though). I don't know IMF09 from a hole in the wall, but, I do recall issues in the past and he's been pretty blatant about what he thinks of mods/the site etc. in private if I'm not mistaken.

Goofing around is one thing, giving someone a hard time is one thing, but there has to be a line at some point that you just try to avoid. I don't know what exactly IMF said or what kind of a roll he's been on lately but it must have crossed that line.

All this has nothing to do with trying to be a dictator, tyrannical forum overlord, maniacal mods or whatever. It's just common decency.

For what it's worth, I get all site/user reports including the individual mods, and I don't recall anything coming through from Stomp.
Were you the overweight kid growing up that always told on people who made fun of you? Grow up man, get a life. It's a heavy metal bands forum not some politically correct online counseling center. Stop crying! If you want respect get it for yourself. I was in jail for about 4 months and believe me if someone told the authorities on someone for not respecting them they would get literally beaten to death. I have no respect for any grown man who has to resort to 'authorities' to handle their business for them. Hopefully you never end up in Jail or you are fucked... literally! :lol:

I hope I never end up in jail. I've grown rather fond of premium cable tv and not having things inserted into my rectum.
Didnt know the guy and was never on the end of one of his rants. Even so, I dont remember him adding much value so who cares?
I leave for three weeks and IMF's gone?

To be honest, I kind of liked the guy. He was rude as shit sometimes but he kept the board alive and I'll miss him for sure. I definitely respect that he admitted to liking this place and not calling Bushthrax fans shit eating faggots as he left. You will be missed, Maidenkid.
i appreciate how much of a fan he was but this board has had too much negativity and he is the root of much of it. moving on.

My opinion exactly. I lost out on his last few weeks here, though, as I was able to find the "ignore"-button. I know a lot of people found him funny, but I just got sick and tired of his negativity and the same old arguments that he kept harping ON and ON about ...
i'd say kirkland comes the closest, what he needs now is an oversized picture of Chris Barnes.:lol:

I'd rather watch this clip than see that pic again...


I'd rather watch this clip than see that pic again...


