Just cranked POT.... some thoughts.

About Black Lodge...I really don't find the song grungy at all. It's more like those Metallica ballads like One, Fade To Black etc.

Edit: Obviously those reviews were written by True Metal Fans, people who couldn't accept that the Thrash metal-era was over.

Anyway, isn't POT still awesome! I think I'm gonna smoke some right now.:Smokin:

Anthrax - Sound Of White Noise
Want something powerful, inspiring, intelligent and vivid to the bone? Try listening to Sound Of White Noise from the classic American Heavy Metal band Anthrax.
This was one of my first Heavy Metal encounters and the vigorously impact it made on me still feels very present, this is one of their finest hours and let me tell you why I hold this piece of music in such high regard:

The albums hard edge and direct impact shows itself from the beginning. Potters Field is a great, diverse and very hard-hitting song with some clever drumming skills from Charlie Benante.

Only has several eminent elements as the jamming guitar solo, the huge chorus and a technical bass approach, extremely well put together music.

One thing that this album can't be blamed for is lack of variation; Room For One More represents this point clearly with its innovative flow, a splendid song that simply demands your attention all the time.

Packaged Rebellion slowly builds up steam for a good minute before the groovy rhythm section sets in, Dan Spitz throws in a grand shredding solo passage before the song gets a bit stretched out.

With Hy Pro Glo a raw attitude is served in a very forceful way with tight rhythm guitar action as a central input. It lacks a more coherent flow but its still a good song.

One of many personal favourites is the heavy Invisible, man what a drive this one contains!
The double bass drumming is just so intense and the background screams adds to the acute climate.

John Bush's rough and expressive vocals is one of the best things about this release. His powerful performance in 1000 Points Of Hate is truly fantastic, this being yet another thrilling piece of Heavy Metal with an aggressive vibe.

The only slow song on the album is the genius Black Lodge, featuring an all-embracing and hypnotic atmosphere. The acoustic guitars add the sufficient soft touch and the catchy refrain is just perfect, the synths add that extra mystic mood.

C11 H17 N2 O2 Na is a tightly packed energy unit with great devastating drums; unfortunately it misses a more thrilling chorus.

The fast paced Burst has a bombastic nerve that hits right on and the striking guitar solo is a good match for this forceful and stunning creation.

A more down to earth direction is gone for with the ending track This Is Not An Exit, being a bit experimental in style. The main verse becomes a bit tiresome but the rhythm section is very tight.

The fact that I can't listen to this album without singing along to almost every word is a proof of the excellent verse and chorus structures and melodies, this is one of the best albums I know of in this respect.
The actual performances are all top-notch, stunning vocals and a rhythm section with immense vigour and skill.

Lyrically the album is quite complex and the overall themes are personal issues and problems as feelings of betrayal, hate, justice and despair. "Live the life you want and fight all the crap that comes your way" is an aspect that pops up now and then, all in all very intelligent and thoughtful stuff.

The sound on White Noise is very compact and with a lot of depth, it fits the music well.

Even though this is packed with aggressiveness and a raw edged feel, there is lots of melody and great recognisable moments to enjoy. I hold this unique piece of music very dear, it's extremely durable and the impact it leaves is brought to life through smart innovations, raw power and fascinating melodies.
Review: Anthrax - Sound Of White Noise

Did you read my review of Persistence Of Time? Sound Of White Noise sees Anthrax kick out Joey Belladonna (for artistic differences, if I remember correctly) and recruit ex-Armoured Saint frontman, John Bush and Anthrax sound much better for it!
First Impressions

Sound Of White Noise is a vast improvement on Persistence. The overall sound quality is much clearer and more modern than Persistence Of Time. The songs are more individual and catchy too. Where Persistence was very straight ahead, almost bone-headed thrash in places, it lacked grooves, refinement.

The album is based around themes of anger and hatred, in keeping with earlier Anthrax material, but I think Bush's voice carries the songs much more effectively than Belladonna.
The Best Bits

Potters Field, an excellent intro track with a really funky riff. I can't remember Anthrax ever attempting anything like this before. Black Lodge is the first time I've heard Anthrax tackle a more atmospheric type of song. The tremolo in the intro, and the subdued vocals are excellent and easily my favourite track on the album.

I love the earlier tracks in the album, especially Packaged Rebellion, Room For One More and Only. Once you get into the album, you'll be singing along to every track. The outro vocals on Only are excellent for singing along to - really throaty and gritty!
The Worst Bits

I can't think of a single weak track on this album! I've been listening to Sound Of White Noise in the car for about three weeks now and unlike Persistence, I haven't yet begun to tire of it. I've been terrorising the roads of Northern Ireland for weeks, singing this at the top of my voice!
The Verdict

Despite being twelve years old (Sound Of White Noise was released in 1993), it still sounds fresh today. This is an important Anthrax album, because it marks a very successful transition between lead vocalists. Joey Belladonna had been synonymous with Anthrax for years, and the departure of such an established lead singer could have signalled the death of better bands!

Anthrax survived this and hit back with possibly the best album of their career. I haven't heard the earlier albums Among The Living or State of Euphoria in a while, but I'm betting they haven't aged nearly as well as this. If you're a fan of Anthrax, you should already have this!

This review was originally written by me on 1 December 2006 and has been posted on various places online over the last few years. I've moved it here to keep a complete archive of my single and video reviews from my entire blogging career.
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Gerard McGarry
by Gerard McGarry on Thu, 29 April 10 0 Comments
Tags: 1993, Album Reviews, Anthrax, Heavy Metal, Music, Thrash

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* Review: Anthrax - Persistence Of Time
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* Review: Chris Cornell - Euphoria Morning
Back then, everyone was talking about how Alice In Chains influenced Anthrax. That was partially because the mulletheads couldn't swallow the fact that the cheesy 80's were gone. Those guys who wrote the reviews probably still consider everything Anthrax has put out after Fistful Of Metal as a crap.

Hey Johnnie, So do you consider everything Anthrax did before SOWN cheesy 80's music?
Never have I said that. But I find the eighties cheesy in general. When I think of the 80's, I think of guys dressing up like women.
Never have I said that. But I find the eighties cheesy in general. When I think of the 80's, I think of guys dressing up like women.

kind of like the current emo trend? I think you are missing the fact that there was cheesy 80's glam rock. That scene was much different than the TRASH metal scene that Anthrax was one of the pioneers of.

None the less does it really matter how they dressed? Fashion is always different in every new scene of music. But I don't really care if they dress like bitches if their music is great. On the contrary they could dress 'cool' and still be lame.

I think Rob looks like an 80's butt rocker. His purple guitar, stupid beanie, tight pants etc. He looks pretty much like an ugly ass chick on stage but bigger. It drives me nuts watching him up on the stage as he doesn't really fit in. But at the end of the day if he can help write great Thrash metal songs with the band thats all that really matters.

There were many bands that Anthrax was touring with such as Iron Maiden, Slayer, Megadeth, etc that never were accused of turning grunge and stayed true to their sound. Now those bands are all much larger than Anthrax as they kept on keeping it real for their fans and didn't try to change their sound to be 'cool'. The point is Anthrax changed big time to try and reinvent themselves. They went into panic mode and tried to be like other bands that were successful. It was a very trying time for true metal bands. Even the word 'metal' was looked down upon. But the bands that didn't give a fuck and kept doing what they did pulled trough and are now bigger than ever. Anthrax tried as hard as they could to go a different route and ultimately had to almost break up because nobody other than a few hundred fans ever night gave fuck about their nu sound
Personally I don't FUCKING CARE if it's not something you would personally label "thrash."

I listen to music for what it IS, not for what it ISN'T. And it's a collection of fucking awesome songs, period.
I think it's funny that maiden boy thinks rob looks cheesey and joey doesn't.

I think it's kind of shitty that he feels the need to ram his opinions down everyone's throat constantly. I'm over it.

It's all Anthrax. If you like it, great, and if you don't, that's fine too. Listen to it if you like it, and don't listen if you don't. But you can get right royally fucked if you're going to think you have the right to be hijack every thread ad nauseum with disrespectful shit towards others if it doesn't match your tastes and opinion.
Personally I don't FUCKING CARE if it's not something you would personally label "thrash."

I listen to music for what it IS, not for what it ISN'T. And it's a collection of fucking awesome songs, period.

By the way, good post right here!!!!
yeah, kind of! The emo fags must have been inspired by that era.

lol. I think the emo fags are a lot worse than the 80's glam rock bands. At least the 80's glam rock dudes partied and fucked a ton of chicks. These emo fags are a bunch of whiny pussies that seem to be afraid of chicks. They also take themselves seriously, where as the 80's glam rockers for the most part knew they were retarded looking.
lol. I think the emo fags are a lot worse than the 80's glam rock bands. At least the 80's glam rock dudes partied and fucked a ton of chicks. These emo fags are a bunch of whiny pussies that seem to be afraid of chicks. They also take themselves seriously, where as the 80's glam rockers for the most part knew they were retarded looking.

Emo, glam, metal, thrash etc.
Differences in music, differences in image.
Bands try to fit in with new trends (musically and image-wise). Anthrax did it, and tons of other bands have done it as well. By doing so they lose some fans and gain some others.

Regardless (and in keeping with the original topic of the tread): It can be aruged that POT has stood the test of time, and still feels fresh and relevant in 2010.

Or not? Discuss.
It's all Anthrax. If you like it, great, and if you don't, that's fine too. Listen to it if you like it, and don't listen if you don't. But you can get right royally fucked if you're going to think you have the right to be hijack every thread ad nauseum with disrespectful shit towards others if it doesn't match your tastes and opinion.

lol. I think the emo fags are a lot worse than the 80's glam rock bands. At least the 80's glam rock dudes partied and fucked a ton of chicks. These emo fags are a bunch of whiny pussies that seem to be afraid of chicks. They also take themselves seriously, where as the 80's glam rockers for the most part knew they were retarded looking.

I totally agree, I only said there was a certain inspiration...
does anybody else think Vince niel sort of looks like John lovitz in a wig these days.

Somebody does!
