Why does Anthrax seem to HATE the POT album?

But isn't ATL the most critically (and perhaps commercially) successful Anthrax album, plus the one that tends to come top in fan polls? I'd say many people feel they were at their best when they were out and out thrash.

Possible yes, you're right, but it was a movement, era, timing. All those things as well. Thrash = commercial success, who woulda thought eh?
My favorite Anthrax LP of all time is Persistance of Time. Worship Music is an incredible LP but it's too young to rank among other Anthrax LP's. I like I'm alive, it just doesn't make me go nuts like other tracks on this new LP. I feel the same way about H8red on POT. That being said. H8red>I'm Alive
I have already gotten bored with WM. It was cool for a few weeks with all of the build up. But I don't think its going to have the lasting power of any of the classic era material. I just listened to The Devil That you Know in a pub the other night and the Chorus is just lame. I don't find many songs on WM as being true Anthrax Classics.

Even Fight Em has a pretty lame Chorus. The Choruses on WM seem to be fairly 'poppy' and they try to make them 'catchy' or 'modern' and those throw me off on most songs

I agree, the chorus to Fight Em is quite terrible, such a shame cos the riffs in that song (particularly verse and main riff/pre-chorus) are vintage Thrax! Devil is the same, as you say, but not as bad as Fight Em IMO. I think the chorus to Earth on Hell is fuckin awesome though!

I'm also bored of the album though, :erk: 8 years in making bored in a week
i hope they add or put in giant into the set or crawl and as far as the poppy choruses that's always been Joey's style.
i posted this in another thread but it kinda sums it up about WM

i like all the songs on worship . maybe its me (i like hard rock and metal) but the cd seems to cover a broad range from thrash like hell on earth or giant or fight em to mellow rock almost southern hard rock with i.m alive devil and constant to anthem rock like song with in the end then goes kinda 90 ish self deprecating rock you know like pearl jam or sound garden with crawl then punk/electronic/rap with revolution and new noise showing the kinda connection to bands like rage against and linkin park or sum41. and then there is Judas priest it has that euro metal feel to it like priest or maiden.and as far as the little tidbits like worship hymn 1 and 2 and the little drum madness at the end of crawl it kinda fits to break up the record and has that Floyd or Rush type or structure to the whole cd. i guess if you are a purest (the type of person who likes their bands to be linear like slayer or ac/dc ) then worship might be a hard pill to swallow, and there is nothing wrong with that either....worship to me seems to be what the title says "WORSHIP MUSIC" ...all kinds from rock to metal. but you have to admit that there are only a few bands that do covers songs and retain the original but make it their own like anthrax... to me it seems like anthrax made a good well rounded rock/metal album i know i might get some backlash on this but worship is kinda like Metallica's black album ( a more refined well rounded album to appeal to all that like rock music with a welcome mat to the metal scene not to mention a well polished production.) and one more thing you could butt this cd right up to persistence and it keeps the joey lineup or anthrax current and up to date making the john bush era almost an alternative anthrax universe ( kinda like back to the future 2 with the alternate 1985...LOL)i know some of this might sound dumb but this is a forum where we just throw out ideas we have that's all.