Just cranked POT.... some thoughts.

People are still waiting for you to post some of the "every grunge band of the 90's" that Anthrax sounds like.

I'm not. I would be just fine if he would shut the fuck up. Or at least accept the fact that not everybody thinks the way he does and he doesn't have to turn every thread into a pile of his own crap.
I say this is a non discussion. But ANTHRAX did sound very grunge influenced on SOWN. Bush also sounds REALLY close to the AIC singer at times. That was the big trend back in 1993 though....
I say this is a non discussion. But ANTHRAX did sound very grunge influenced on SOWN. Bush also sounds REALLY close to the AIC singer at times. That was the big trend back in 1993 though....

Layne Staley was influenced by John Bush, actually...not the other way around. He loved Armored Saint, and even covered False Alarm by Saint in a pre-AIC band. Though I'm not saying Bush is immune to paying attention to what's going on around him and being influenced...AIC were huge at the time.

Plus, both Armored Saint and Alice In Chains used Dave Jerdan as a producer...Dave was a bit part of that whole production style that AIC used on their first two records. Both AIC's Dirt album and Sound Of White Noise were produced by Dave Jerdan...so I bet even some of the same microphones, effects, and preamps were used on both singers.
Dirt and SOWN were recorded right around the same time, with the same producer. Like Deege said, they have some of the same effects and stuff like that in the recording process and the tone. But music-wise to say that Hy Pro Glo sounds like an Alice in Chains rip off you are either a tone deaf moron, or just a complete jackhole.

The main thing that SOWN and Dirt, have in common is that they are both kick ass albums.
Dirt and SOWN were recorded right around the same time, with the same producer. Like Deege said, they have some of the same effects and stuff like that in the recording process and the tone. But music-wise to say that Hy Pro Glo sounds like an Alice in Chains rip off you are either a tone deaf moron, or just a complete jackhole.

The main thing that SOWN and Dirt, have in common is that they are both kick ass albums.

I'll drink to that. :kickass:
Dirt and SOWN were recorded right around the same time, with the same producer. Like Deege said, they have some of the same effects and stuff like that in the recording process and the tone. But music-wise to say that Hy Pro Glo sounds like an Alice in Chains rip off you are either a tone deaf moron, or just a complete jackhole.

The main thing that SOWN and Dirt, have in common is that they are both kick ass albums.

To say you don't think SOWN is a grunge influenced album makes you sound like a deaf ignorant retard. You think there is a coincidence they get produced by the same producer? You think that John Bush and some of the guitar tones don't sound like Alice In Chains? Do you not hear any Grunge influence in this album? Black Lodge anyone? You can't hear the Soundgarden / Alice In Chains influence? Give me a fucking break.

I love Alice In Chains, always have. But at the time I wanted Anthrax to sound like Anthrax not try to sound more like the current Grunge bands.

You all want me to name bands that they sounded like?? Okay. Well there is definitely an Alice In Chains influence... if you don't hear that you are retarded. There is Soundgarden (badmotorfinger) influence. Other than that I really don't know because I don't know many other Grunge bands, other than Alice in Chains and Soundgarden I really don't care about Grunge. But all I know is there was a million copycat bands back then. A quick google search of 'grunge' would show an assload of bands that ANTHRAX was trying to sound more like.

Then you move on to the Vol 8 and Stomp albums and they went from the Grunge sound on of the SOWN album to a more power groove, watered down version of Pantera sound mixed with some obvious NU-Metal influence. (pantera was huge during this time so was Nu-Metal) Very little ANTHRAX influence on either of these albums. Then there is WCFYA which again has very little Anthrax influence other than maybe What Doesn't Die.

The bottom line is Anthrax prior to the SOWN noise album had their own unique sound. They were leaders not followers. Once SOWN came out they were then followers and not leaders.

If you don't hear the obvious Grunge influence on SOWN and the obvious Power groove / Nu-metal influence on the other albums you are seriously morons.

Grunge was taking off when they did SOWN. Grunge was all around them. Alice IN Chains was a huge influence on the SOWN album.

All of your Bushthrax pussies are sitting here saying shit like 'oh yeah he did sound a bit like Layne Stayley" "Yeah some of the guitar tones, and sounds were Alice In Chain's like" .... then you turn around and say how you have to be deaf to hear any influence. Get your story straight.

Bushthrax was a fucking joke. I don't care what you Bushthrax lovers think about what I say. Just listen to this song in the video. It is fucking ridiculous. I am embarrassed to even say I was an Anthrax fan when I hear shit like that. You guys keep saying how John Bush was 'heavy' etc. But Anthrax with him in the band was pussy ass watered down bullshit. Give me SOD and Pre Bush Anthrax and I will be just fine.

Now on to the next real Anthrax album!
SOWN production wise was grunge influenced BUT IT IS NOT A GRUNGE ALBUM. Far from it.

And dude just for once can we keep on topic instead of consistently getting into Bush v Belladonna. We get it man. We fucking get it already. Why keep beating the drum - why not just respect the fact that we all have different opinions? We respect yours so respect others and stop trying to ram your own opinion down everyones throat time and time again. This used to be an Anthrax forum and whilst I encourage debate this is getting a bit boring now like an old broken record.

Come on man - lets move forward eh?

SOWN production wise was grunge influenced BUT IT IS NOT A GRUNGE ALBUM. Far from it.

Really? Far from it? Really? Black Lodge? What is that? Same producer, same vocal sounds, same guitar tones. Yeah sounds really far from it. Give me a break.

And where am I mentioning Joey Belledonna? I don't think I mentioned him once. In fact I rarely ever mention him. I mention Anthrax's era when he happened to be in the band. This thread was about POT and somehow videos of Bushthrax start showing up in this thread.

I think turning shit into Joey vs. John is an easy way for the Bushthrax lovers to turn anything into an argument. Bushthrax fans love John Bush so much and Hate Joey so much that they can't even see anything past the vocals. I listen to the entire package, not just the vocals.

I can give a fuck about Belleonna or Bush to be honest with you. It is ANTHRAX I care about. That is the band as a unit. And sure they have been sick the past 15 years. But I think they have taken a stronger dose of Antibiotics and are finally getting over it.
Where did ironmaidenfan09 mention Joey Belladonna? How about right here:

POT was an album that not many John Bush era fans want to listen to because they know Joey rules on that album.

Very first page on this thread. Evidently, he has trouble remembering what he said in the past. Edit: And hey, while we're on the subject of ironmaidenfan09 constantly bringing up Joey vs John, here's his first post in the other POT thread:

While I know this is going nowhere. This album is the the best all around Anthrax record to date... I personally like Among The Living better I think. But ATL lacks in production. Joey is one of the reasons POT was so good. Suggesting it would have been better with John Bush is nonsense. WHY? Because Joey had range, used a lot of range. He did a lot of different things vocally on this album. Was very dynamic. John has almost no range. He has a 'strong' voice but limited range.
Look at me, I'm maidenfan, blah blah blah, all bush lovers hate joey, blah blah blah, range, blah blah blah, dildos up the asses, blah blah blah, purple guitar, blah blah blah, grunge.
Yes. Dave Jerdan was brought in because he had worked with John Bush in the past, with Armored Saint.

True. In fact, if you want to get right down to it, SOWN sounds more like SOS than Dirt. I don't think SOWN sounds particularly like either album, but if you were to put a gun to my head and gave me three seconds to choose one or the other, it would be SOS.
Layne Staley was influenced by John Bush, actually...not the other way around. He loved Armored Saint, and even covered False Alarm by Saint in a pre-AIC band. Though I'm not saying Bush is immune to paying attention to what's going on around him and being influenced...AIC were huge at the time.

Plus, both Armored Saint and Alice In Chains used Dave Jerdan as a producer...Dave was a bit part of that whole production style that AIC used on their first two records. Both AIC's Dirt album and Sound Of White Noise were produced by Dave Jerdan...so I bet even some of the same microphones, effects, and preamps were used on both singers.


We have a winner! Saved me from posting the exact same thing. Good times!
I can't believe there is actually any discussion about Bushthrax and Grunge. What the fuck? Why is anyone even entertaining this fuckin' stupid talk?
if "Grunge" sounds as great as "Room For One More", "Sodium Pentathol" & "Burst" then i have missed out on something, i'm gonna check out some grunge-bands cause "Burst" rules.