How would I get this effect, or similar?

Morgan C

Apr 23, 2008
Sydney, Australia

at 4:30, the big drum hit has this ringing.. it sounds really natural, but it's not there for the rest of the song. Really roomy too, not right down the centre and sampley. I've tried a synth tuned to the snare, but it didn't work so well, even with some impulses to make it roomy. Suggestions?
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That ring you heard is the piano... listen again. Other than that, there's is TON of room on those drums.
It sounds like a different verb has been automated in for that one hit, sounds kind of like a small stone room with an un natural RT60 timing, small room with a long tail in other words.
my guess... sounds like a natural harmonic on the bass ... you can hear him do that several times during the song (3:35). probably wrong.
Seem to be a D that's played on the natural harmonic on the 12th fret of the d string. And look at that, the next chord is Am, how convenient.
Quite a cool arrangement, I enjoyed it very much. Thanks for sharing!
Jeff Ament formerly of Pearl Jam played bass on this song and he played his 12 string. Sounds to me like the EXACT same tonality heard at the beginning of Jeremy by Pearl Jam.

Listen to the note at 0:21 seconds ... sounds the same to me

FYI this was done using natural harmonics at the 12th 7th and 5th frets.
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Jeff Ament formerly of Pearl Jam played bass on this song and he played his 12 string. Sounds to me like the EXACT same tonality heard at the beginning of Jeremy by Pearl Jam.

Listen to the note at 0:21 seconds ... sounds the same to me

FYI this was done using natural harmonics at the 12th 7th and 5th frets.

Bingo. I think you nailed it.
yay, glad to know i'm not crazy. excellent arrangement btw, i love all that crazy sped up pitch shifted wanky stuff going on throughout the song.
Interesting. Atm I'm doing quite a bit of mixing and no recording, so I don't really get the chance to tell them to alter the arrangement of the song much (I can only tell where things need to be after I get all the tracks and by then it's too late). How would I recreate this sound?
8 string bass

With my not owning a bass and not knowing how to play a bass that's a little hard ;p

I meant is there a way I can get a similar effect using software? The post about a small drum room with long decay time was what it sounded like to me, so maybe even if it's not that, I can still get a similar effect using that technique. Otherwise, a synth maybe?
I meant is there a way I can get a similar effect using software? The post about a small drum room with long decay time was what it sounded like to me, so maybe even if it's not that, I can still get a similar effect using that technique. Otherwise, a synth maybe?

On a second listen I still feel it is a verb effect as I stated, but it also sounds like the snare is gated through the entire track except for that one hit, which has a huge over ring and combined with the long verb tail it combines to have that ring modulation type effect. It also sounds like the verb is panned somewhat to the right for that one hit. There are other parts in the song where the bass player uses harmonics, round 3:30 for an example. But I don't think there is bass with that lone snare hit.