How would you mix my band's song?


Apr 7, 2006
So Ihave this song. I see people on here mixing other people's song and getting really interesting and diverse results.

This is my mix, but I don't think its very good:

I can provide basic tracks of the vocals and DI's of the guitars in a zip if anyone might be interested in messing with some reamping stuff with it. I'm really looking for ways to expand my knowledge


btw, been working on a possible album cover? I don't really know I've just been messing around creating shapes in illustrator.

It sounds really good. Good Job! One thing that I have a hard time hearing is the cymbals. May want to bring them up a bit. What’s your vocal chain? Sounds it has a room on it, I would keep it dry. But that is just personal taste.
However the guitar tone is great!
Again Good Job!
Recently, I've been blending drumagog with ezdrummer to get a better kick sound. (not in this recording though)

Anyways, doing intense double bass patterns causes it to skip and get rattled. I would guess its just due to the amount of things that are going on. Even when I export, it does this as well. Is there anything I can do? I have a nice computer, its a quadcore q6600, and though I'm running XP, it detects 3.5 gb of ram. Maybe overclocking my processor would allow it to not get tripped up?

Granted, its a full project. 7 guitar tracks, 2 bass tracks, a vocal track, EZ Drummer. Not like it's running shabby, I just need to be able to export it without the drums tripping up.