How would you pan 3 guitarist in a mix?


Used by Protools
Dec 26, 2005
Detroit, MI
I just recorded a band with 3 guitar players. I only recorded a single take from each player and just curious how you guys would pan them. I was thinking left, right, center. The only thing is I'm worried the center will be to clouded with the kick bass and vocals there as well....

Anyways let me know what you would do. :)
TOTALLY depends on how the parts sit and what each guy plays.

I'd go with the L - C - R approach as well, and unless you're going for a 'live' feel, I'd cut up the guitarists' takes and determine what are the lead parts, and then consolidate those bits into the centre track. Hard to say without knowing the parts though!
Yeah, I would still treat it as a two guitar player band. Probably most of the time they're only playing two different parts, right?
You'd have to establish lead, rhythm parts from the outset and work out what to record where. Otherwise you'd be in for some automation (nothing wrong with that). Depends what parts need to be in the forefront.

Anyway, I'd be panning L-C-R, but with the center a few dB lower in order for the vocal to cut through. This method was used on 'Anthems of Rebellion' as far as I know, and it seems to work well enough.
You see, the way I see it is at any one time there will be one guitar part that will be a rhythm part, and the other parts would be more lead (be it octaves or whatever). I'm guessing sometimes 2 of the guitarists will be playing lead while one plays rhythm, and sometimes there will be 2 playing rhythm.

I'd basically do either 2 or 4 tracks panned L and R for all the rhythms, and then any of the extra bits on top. This is pretty much what I do for most bands with 2 guitarists as what they play live might not be right for recording that way....
This is exactly why having 3 guitarists in a band is the gayest thing since......something really gay.

If having 3 guitarists is gay, then a band with 3 guitarists and 2 vocalists must be downright hermaphroditic. :p

But yeah, it all depends on whats happening with the guitar parts. If they're all playing rhythm then straight L C R.

This sounds like bad quad tracking... as far as the guitars are concerned...

everything else sounds cool... at least you don't have two bassists...
Yea its kinda weired to explain but they all kinda switch between rhythms and overlays. Though 2 guitars are usually always holding down the rhythms. So I think I'm gonna have to do a bunch of automating and try and keep the chugging rhythms L and R and the overlays in the center when they happen.

Now i must say Tracking 3 guitarist just sucks, tracking 3 sub par guitarist is a fucking nightmare. So yea i agree 3 guitarist is pretty gay and just pointless honestly. There is not one part were all 3 guitars are doing different things usually 2 hold rhythm one one strays off for a overlay part. Usually all 3 are playing the same exact rhythm. pffffffft they just need to get another guitarist and have 4 rhythm players, wohooooo!!

Well sorry to rant, but thanks for all the input guys.....
This sounds like bad quad tracking... as far as the guitars are concerned...

Probably not helped by the fact that apparently (I wasn't at the session) the guitarists were being jerks and refusing to keep their guitars in tune between takes. This was all tracked with a standard scale ESP Stef Carpenter model, so we all know how well it handles being tuned so low.