How Zeuss achives this unreal good guitar tone???

gabriel g.

Sep 7, 2006
Dudes I´ve benn listening to all the records Zeuss mixed and I was 99% of the time blown away of the guitar tone!!!
It´s so brutal, clear, punchy, BALLSY!!!!

Do anyone of you have any inside knowledge???

Terror - the damned the shamed
Remembering never - god save us
Shadows fall - the war within
Icepick - violent epiphany

All this guitar tones have something in common.
Some kind of metallic sounding...

So what do you think.
I have to ideas:
1. Maybe he uses an IR on an AUX to thick everything up.
2. Or he puts the mics not that close on the speaker and uses a very reflecting recording room???

Dudes I want get THIS tone!!!!
please help:)
a mic in the right place on a good cab with good speakers with a good amp plugged into it
Tell me something new^^

I heard he uses one shure sm57 and one Sennheiser 421 on one speaker. All into Api pres.
but this CANT explane this hugh guitar tone!!!!
There is something more to it (in he post production) or in the room...

And I´m not meaning any semi-pro shit like Podfarm/revalver/new engl V30 impulse bla bla bla...

80% of his productions has something in common guitar sound wise.
But I cant point my finger on it, only on the little metallic sound...
its just like anything else with playing guitar
good pickups help, a nice guitar that resonates beautifully helps, a good player obviously helps
but the amp and mic is most of the sound
i gave you all the advice you need
im not being a dick man, but what you need to do is just sit there micing up your amp over and over again until it sounds how you want it to sound.
Dont get me wrong but:
I´m micing up amps about 5 years...I know what I´m doing and I´m very happy with the outcome.
Also I´m studying media technics (auio, video, and digital data bla bla bla)
So I´m not a hobby dude who wants to get Podfarm and DFH sound like Andy sneap productions.

I´m just thrilled about Zeuss sound because it is different.
Do you have any record Zeuss mixed lately, especially one of them I named above?

So I wrote this is a special question and I dont need any standard how do mix drums;)

I hope I wasnt a dick right now...
the only thing ill say youre being a dick about is ruling out any techniques
i mean
dude have you heard some of the shit people are posting on here that was done with amp sims and drum vsti's?
sometimes cheap shit can sound like a million dollars and ruling it out and almost insulting it by saying its a hobbyist tool or something is a bit short sighted

ive just checked out a few tracks from the albums you listed
the remembering never guitar tone reminds me a little bit of Meshuggah - Destroy Eraser Improve
So for that you'd want to be micing near the edge of the speaker cone, as weird as that is

and for the other tracks, they all just sound a bit.. bog standard? haha
i cant hear much going on that truly seperates the guitar sound from other metal records. its all thick and it sounds good, but it seems to me that you just need to work on your micing and mixing until you've got the sound you want
mixing especially, because a huge guitar sound will sound tiny if say.. the drums sound tiny
the whole mix has to be of a consistently high standard for it to all hold up
do you listen to the tracks on myspace?
I dont want to diss other members of this forum, dont get me wrong....
Some people get amazing results with the pod, or any amp sim.

But my question is pointing in a very special direction.
I´ll try the thing you said about Meshuggah...micing up at the edge of the speaker cone. Thats one of the tips I´m waiting for!!!
metallic how?? like the ringer effect that comes in those pedals?? like Macabre??

sall in the bass
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Yeah the bass tone is a very important for his sound!!!!
But I think there is also something happening underneath the guitar layers...
Thats why I thought of an reverb with very little impact...
I think you are just wanting there to be a special method...but there isn't. :lol:
I achived very close tones, but I´m like missing the last 10%...

My method is:
Very chrunchy, middy guitars (like unscooped) while recording.
One e609 on 2cm in front of the speaker cone and one sm57 with an angle of 45° next to the e609 also 2cm away from the speaker.


One take of bass guitar.
1:rofl:I 1xAmp.
I made the DI very muddy and the Amp is scooped with alot of gain.

I just hope there is someone out there who got the last 10% :)
Like : put the cab in front of stones or in the bathroom;)

cheers dudes
yeah but I´m not a fan of parallel compression on guitars!!!! It is also some kind of none scense because your high-gain guitar track has no real transients...
Only on Palm mutes and breaks. I use sometimes waves R-axx (a comp for guitars and bass)

Also P.C. is great on drums to give them a little more punch...