How's "Enter the Grave" selling?

We don't know actual figures but it's estimated that worldwide we're getting close to 20,000.

we're bloody chuffed with that, for a debut, we haven't even had a video or a single or anything to help promote it.....

It's the power of my love for kelly brooks wangers i tell you.
Well 4 of them are the result of my epic pimping of Evile to my metal bitches and bitch boys!
Evile are getting spun at the new London metal night "Metal Warriors" every month by order of me!

You guys should come soak up some Metal in Lahndahn sometime.

20,000 is sweet, I reckon you guys, Municipal Waste, Gama Bomb, Toxic Holocaust and Short Sharp Shock are on to a good thing with Earache, the new wave of thrash metal should ideally fucking bludgeon the populus.
I'm so fucking glad their is good new thrash to buy again.

So fucking happy.
Toxic Holocaust are horribly bad. Hes got a mint record when there are many many others out there who deserve better. Seregon, Mutant, HOD. They are probably to top runners in the UK Thrash scene now.

Gama Bomb definatly the best out there though from the new crop.

Evile havent done anything in a while, my guess is writing? Get out on a bloody UK tour now.
20,000 is awesome. suppose Evile picked a lot of fans from the megadeth tour cos when i saw them live they was superb an i bought etg off mike from Evile that night. looking forward to the next album
Like Matt stated, for a new band with no singles released and having barely had the CD out for a year 20,000 is pretty good.

But not good ENOUGH!! For every human being on this plabnet, five copies of Enter the Grave must be sold!