hows this for bullshit

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
today at lunch, someone from the table next to the table i sit at threw a french fry at my table.. so i threw it back... then someone else threw the fry at my table and it hit one of my friends in the back of the head... after yellin at em for a bit, lunch was over... ok.. fast forward to last class of the day... the principal walks in... next thing i hear "May I see Will Bozarth for a second?" fast forward to the hallway... just to fill u all in on some needed info for this topic, every day i wear necklaces: barbed wire, a BC Rich Warlock necklace, a sword necklace, dogtags, and an axe necklace... they arent even pointy or sharp... this is sort of my statement "i wear what i want, no matter what the fuck you think"... anyways, back to the hallway... first thing she says "whats all this around your neck? this is not business attire, remove it"... thats bullshit #1, fuck her, im wearing it tomorrow... time for bullshit #2... next thing she says "what happened at lunch?" i explained to her what i stated up there ^ and she said "Next time they throw something, don't throw it back, go tell a teacher"... wtf is this, dont stand up for myself and my friends? dont be yourself? what the fuck is wrong in this picture? i will NOT alter my appearance to satisfy a "working environment", if theyd rather have me for appearance than brains.. fuck em, they deserve to suck as much as possible.... dont stand up for myself and my friends? i WILL do this all I can...
do you wear those neclasses with you r red suit
sooooo...its okay for you guys to flame, but not anyone else.
heh... it was a little like that in my old school before...
and please "wetspot",
theres a difference to the way we flame and the way you flame.
Your flame = Meaningless random bullshit that only you might think is funny
Our flames = usually come from one of us who share a totally different opinion than the other.....
and the rest of what we do isnt offending. its mostly just stupid jokes at each other.
back to your story.
that is hardcore bullshit. do all those thug fagots who wear there "ice" as I believe its called get busted? probably not
and its a public school. isn't there all kinds of freedom in attire there? i mean maybe nothing like the word CUNT in huge letters on a shirt, but necklaces? if you DON'T wear those tomorrow, i'm coming to your house and i'm gonna kick your ass! :lol: DISOBEY OR DIE!!! :lol:
and that whole situatio just reeks of homosexuality. first of all gettin gtalked to about that us rediculous, and secondly that little spineless cunt that thought he was cool for throwing in the first place is actually a huge pussy because he ratted on you when you won the arguement/battle because you yelled at his ass and probably flamed him good. i wish i could have been there. i'm an expert at screaming, yelling, swearing, insulting, making people look like nothing. riously no joke. i really am, ask anyone who knows me. heck, you ppl might have already figured that out here *COUGH* BIFF *COUGH*

anyway, just hire some horny farmer to kidnap her and have a horse rape her in the ass and make lots of tearing action.
Oh boy, I hope your allright .Dickskinmask. Its soo exciting hearing about little boys in high school. You make a stand and fight for your rights.

Please bore me with more of your stupid shit stories.
every day i wear necklaces: barbed wire, a BC Rich Warlock necklace, a sword necklace, dogtags, and an axe necklace

:lol: ha ha... Dude... you're cool... but... YOU'RE WEARING A WHOLE FREAKIN' METAL FACTORY AROUND YOUR NECK


erm... i usually laugh at people that wear rediculous things around their neck... the words "Tool!" ... "Tool!" ... Run rampant through my mind... but that's still pretty fucked... hey dude, the school I went to made me cut my hair short, which was kinda fucked up...
Originally posted by Trapped
:lol: ha ha... Dude... you're cool... but... YOU'RE WEARING A WHOLE FREAKIN' METAL FACTORY AROUND YOUR NECK

:lol: :lol: :lol: metal all the way! hehe sucks that they made you cut your hair... if they ever tell me to cut my hair, im transferring
Trapped>>>>they made you cut your hair!!!:eek:

Why the fuck would you let them???

nobody AND I MEAN NOBODY, cuts my long lucious hair
Yup. I had hair past my ribs, around my belly button... and i cut it, it's past my shoulders again now, but i dyed it red ages ago, and it looks like ass... iv'e got about two or three inches of regrowth, and the rest is this weird, light red/blonde colour, and looks so bad... but hey, what can you do? *shrug*