Hows about my dinnah...

Actually, with the exception of the bacon, its quite the healthy meal too. I requested the bacon since I do not like having things entirely healthy to my body.
I would have never thought to BBQ a Boboli pizza crust! That shit looks ace.

Sorry Will, looks like EricT has the upper hand in the BBQ war now. What will you do to regain the throne?
EricT said:
Thats when he ate also:

"Boy, why the fuck are you taking a picture of me?"
Captain Beard said:
He looks like an older, balding Richard Gere with a beard.

Eric and Will, I'll have to pull out my bbq and beat you all with my homemade kabobbs, and/or my special using a bbq to smoke a roast. I win.
1. Nice camera dude, what kind is it?
2. Your dad looks like a total bad ass.
3. That pizza looks fucking tasty!
I told him "I'm making a photo documentary on 50 year old single fathers who have failed miserably in life and have nothing better to do then to make pizza for their, also failure, son."