Ahh, the powers of bullshit.

dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
the essay i need to write for a scholarship to Carlow. it's due on the 15th and i've know about it since the 1st. i just started writing it today and i deleted about 10 paragraphs that i started until i stuck with this and finished it in about 10 minutes.

"I’ve loved to write short stories and poems since I was about five years old. From kindergarten up to my senior year of high school, the things I’ve learned in my English, History, and language classes have been very important to me because I use what I learn from them to better the way I write and the way I present myself. Because of how important my writing is to me, those two things can be interchangeable. I’ve always been a very shy person, so I feel that the best parts of my personality come out in my writing.
Since discovering that liking to write was more than just a passing interest and that it could be my career, the most important journey I’ve undertaken is improving my skills and what I put into my stories. I always want to learn more so I can speak, write, and develop my characters and plot better. I focus on my writing because it’s the only thing I can see myself doing, and so my skill and ability is what’s going to dictate how well I do at my career. I never feel quite as happy as I do when I finish a story I as excited about starting, because I so rarely finish one of the daunting and elaborate stories that evolve from ideas I’m truly eager to put to paper. The smoothest way for me to make that transition from my mind to my computer screen is to use clear and precise language that is easy to follow instead of using big and unnecessary words that overstate simple actions to make my writing seem more “advanced,” which I have a bad habit of doing.
Even that simple realization is like an epiphany for me and can be a parallel between the ambitions of youth and the humility you gain with age, which are both huge parts of the journey of one’s life. When you’re young, all you know is what’s around you and what looks good or bad projected from those sources, and all you want is to be the good so you can fit in. You break rules and push boundaries to appear more mature, because a false sense of maturity is so much more comfortable than acknowledging your ignorance. The journey of life is all about making that transition into a state where you can comfortably blend both feelings and be comfortable with how much more you have to learn.
It’s with this mindset that I hope to approach my continuing education, because that is the purpose of college and institutions of higher learning, after all. You’ve completed high school and you’re mature enough to decide that you still need to be taught because you may know what you want in life and you’re willing to take the steps it takes to get there."

absolute horseshit copyright of Laura James :grin:
its not as cool as cannibal zombie priests, but i did chuckle at "Even that simple realization is like an epiphany for me and can be a parallel between the ambitions of youth and the humility you gain with age, which are both huge parts of the journey of one’s life." after you said you shouoldnt try to use fancy words to sound more advanced. heh.
"I never feel quite as happy as I do when I finish a story I as excited about starting, because I so rarely finish one of the daunting and elaborate stories that evolve from ideas I’m truly eager to put to paper."

"When you’re young, all you know is what’s around you and what looks good or bad projected from those sources, and all you want is to be the good so you can fit in."

Those sentences drag a bit. And the first bit of the first sentence doesn't make sense. I presume you meant "I was excited about starting"

Other than that, you've got some top notch bs-ing skills there.