HPF + buss compressor. methods?


Dec 2, 2006
New York, NY
hey there was a thread a while back about mix buss compression techniques and how many people use a HPF sidechained to the comp so that the lows of a mix don't pump the compressor...

how would the routing for this work?

like if i have a comp plug in on the master fader where would the side chain come from? just wondering how this applies to modern DAW signal flow
Not quite sure but I think if you use cubase you must create a fx track with the hpf in the fx inserts. Activate sidechaining with the little button to the left of the preset window. Then on the master bus, in the FX send, select side-chain HPF, adjust the fader to 0 and tweak to taste.
what you on?
depends on the plugin and whether its side chain capable. a few have it built in.