The Butt

The true error to be corrected.
Sep 10, 2007
The void.
Lol join it.

A general discussion board without the gayness of some aspects of COBOT :V
Ess en, you raise a valid point.

But then again, there are a bunch of cool people here along with the bundles of fail traipsing around the board. Getting the cool people from there to KK would accomplish two things:

I) Me not having to come to COBOT
II) You not having to come to COBOT

My theory is that this is a win-win situation.
you forgot the fact that no one gives a shit about you


I actually took the time to look through all the sub-forums and some topics. You guys are a just a bunch of boring faggots, I see no reason to post there whatsoever.
Better people than you have tried to migrate members of this board. For some reason, eventhough this place isn't great, we have no mod and there is a real atmosphere of censorship, people still stay.
The best part of this place is making fun of people who still think Cob is any good.

I actually saw an emoasian with eyeliner in an AYDY shirt today giggled to myself on the bus.