Hugh Laurie - Let Them Talk


Dec 8, 2008
Ive been a huge fan of House as well as Hugh Laurie's other acting roles in british sit coms for years and years.
I was pleasantly surprised to find out that he brought out a blues album this week. Curiously I bought it to see what the standard was like.

The album is pretty well written but the mix is... Spot on. It has something so smooth to it and it sounds whole.

Im in love with something that isnt metal today.

I hope others have come across this as well and enjoy it :p
I have seen a video of him performing three of his songs with a band and really enjoyed it. Very smooth and cool to listen to.
The man has some serious talent. I bought the album for my wife as she is really into New Orleans swing/jazz/blues and I find myself listening to it more than she has.
I love hearing the sweep of the notes running down to the bass end of the keys and the pedals thumping in the background. It just sounds.... real.

Yeah it was one of the first things i noticed man, just one of those things you dont get with VSTi's from what ive heard so far it sounds like a killer album
The recording of the piano work is incredible. I love hearing the sweep of the notes running down to the bass end of the keys and the pedals thumping in the background. It just sounds.... real.

Welcome to a little thing I like to call..... Empathy!

Anyway, doesn't do much for me but the dude's got some serious piano chops!!