Hard time listening music

Nuno Filipe

You talkin' to me?
Jul 1, 2009
Lately I have had hard time finding and hearing something new and interesting at all. I´ve been feeling this for years but now it´s getting worse. I think this is more than finding intersting music to hear, well it´s a problem also but more than that, It´s really hard for me to hear a whole album without getting bored real soon. Seems something like having quite hard issues to concentrate in doing something for a long time.

In the topic Obligatory album of the year thread, at first I couldnt remember nothing at all, seriously and I hear a lot but a lot of music through the day. But after a while I remembered some albuns that I liked, the funny things is that all of them, while I think that they are great, none of them I listened more than 3 times, the entire albuns of course. Now the thing is, I cant just sit and hear a entire album, I really cant, I fall asleep, to hear a entire album I must be walking, driving or doing shit in PC.

Only style of music that I can hear through a lot of hours is electronic music. Could this be just saturation of a genre or something else? Someone feels the same? As an example, this week I heard new albuns and bands like In Vain - Ænigma, Persefone - Spiritual Migration, Bleed From Within - Uprising and Sevendust - Black Out The Sun. Only this last one picked my interest emotionally, the others only picked my interested because of structures and because of the technical aspect, the music itself didnt catch my attention.
So in resume, all I can say is, even my favourite albuns, I cant hear them more than a few times because I get bored too quickly. Doesnt seem very normal, isnt it? So for me things like someone saying, the album is spinning the entire month in my ipod, seems impossible to me, not even a week!lol
Interested in hearing your opinions too.
I like old music enough to not have any such problems.
For me there is no real need for new metal/rock, so when it appears it is always a nice surprise.
I'm the same way. I rarely throw an album on and listen to it all the way through. In the car, it's usually classic rock on the radio. At home, I spend most of my time at the computer and even then I don't have music playing often at all.

Most new bands coming out, I just can't get into. Lots of deathcore type stuff. Albums I CAN actually sit through are usually older stuff like Death, Zeppelin, Floyd, and even semi-newer stuff like LoG from about 10 years ago.


It sucks, but once in a while you will stumble across something new that will suck you right in, and that feeling is amazing. Worth the wait.
Trying to do production for a living killed my love of music. The only way I've gotten back into it as heavily as I have is by getting a day job and only working with bands I absolutely love.
I work full-time with audio and I still love music as much as I used to. I'm very, very picky about what I listen to but I enjoy the stuff I fall for as much as ever. I've never been a guy who listens through 50 new albums every year, I usually find a few that I really enjoy and listen a lot to them.
The only albums I seem to still listen to from front to back were mostly recorded prior to 1990 - not sure if it says more about me or the current state of modern music. ;)
Part of the joy of music is new textures/sounds/experiences - listening to the same records from 20+ years ago or listening to 20 different tracks of all the same genre usually isn't a good way to experience music at it's fullest - you're limiting yourself to a tiny cross section of popular culture - no wonder you're bored. Why not go out and listen to an entirely different genre that's maybe not guitar based at all and not beat yourself up about not listening to metal all day - a genre which in musical terms is practically incestuous and cross pollinated with the same producers/samples/production aesthetics and writing styles.

The album of the year thread is mostly filled with the same ill fated genre limitation which I always find a bit surprising about this place, it's like being part of a cookery forum where everybody tells you they 'just like chips'.
I feel the same way. The only albums to really stick with me in the past few years are Thy Art Is Murder's "Hate" and Insomniums "Across the Dark". Other than that, everything is just meh. It's probably from doing production though. Those are the only two albums that I have heard that completely took me out of engineer listening mode back into music lover listening mode
I've been going back and rediscovering some old stuff I haven't listened to in a while. Lately, I've been listening to a lot of older rock/heavy rock stuff from the 70's and 80's, a portion of which I've never heard before so it's like discovering new music. One thing I like about the older stuff lately is that it's not over-produced or overly polished. Much simpler productions that really let the musicianship and songwriting stand out.
I know how you feel. I don't have this so much with music, though I rarely hear something new I care for. The albums I love, I can still easily listen through, and it actually disturbs me to interrupt them. Especially albums from bands like Sigur Ros seem to be designed as a listening experience, and not something you could just pick a song from.

But with TV I've grown extremely impatient. I just watch series on my computer anymore, and I've noticed that around the 15 minute mark, I get itchy and want to do something else. Even if I like what I'm seeing, 40 minute episodes are just too long for me. Because of this, I end up missing half the episodes of my favourite series, because my wife continues watching them while I go do something else halfway through. Can't blame her for my impatience. I don't know where it stems from. It never used to be like that.

I feel the same about meeting new people. I don't usually dislike them, but I just feel like the few good friends I have fill all the niches for me. I'm not really interested in friendship without a function; especially since I can only stand contact with others for so long. I have to balance the time I spend with those individual friends, so I don't lose one of them. Adding new people to that equation only makes it harder to maintain the connection to the ones that are worth the time and energy.
Good to hear that I am not the only one feeling this. The other day I was having a discussion with my friend about music and we agree that today, one of the problems it´s that we have too much of everything.

Gonna try to explain a little better, I remember in the 90´s when I was young and I didnt have a lot of money to spend. The little money that I had, I knew for sure that I had it to spend on record of a band that I loved. So that record was spinning so much on my hifi till I know the lyrics. Now the problem today, it´s that there are bands everywhere, everybody makes albuns. There are so much releases every month, that it becomes hard to find what´s really good between so many average bands. In the 80´s and 90´s most of shitty bands would die quickly, well some still may be alive!ahah but it´s nothing like today. Where exists artists like rebbeca black gaining popularity by the fact of being bad and ridiculous.

Anyways, in my opinion the internet killed many things, one of them it´s the pleasure of listening music. It´s hard to focus on one band and album, when the computer is full of music eveywhere, so it easy to fall in the temptation of changing songs and bands with a simple click every 10m and my ipod has almost more albuns that I had in the 90´s when I was a kid. So, too many options arent always good as it seems.

Line666 you did a good point indeed but I am not very closed minded as much metalheads I know. I hear a lot of electronic music, quite a lot, much more than metal, and hear some rock stuff, post rock, chill out even pop, mostly 80´s and 90´s stuff. Yeah but probably I have to dig a bit more out of the usual stuff.

Nimvi really feel your pain!lol Every time I grab a movie that has more than 90m I dont know if I will finish it and sometimes like you and I am really enjoying what I am seeing but after a while I feel the need to do something else, even without knowing what!ahah
I had the phase when I started the mixing thingy / dived into production a lot more that I didn't really listen to a lot of music.
Since I also started to work and earn money with it I listen to more music tho...I guess as much as I'm able to shut off the music while adjusting the kick vs bass or listening to the vocal midrange, without hearing the lyrics or the song, I am also able to shut off the audio guy when listening to music.

And I'm also usually listening to albums a week in a row or so...I think the pantera best of was in my cars cd player for something like 3 months or so the last time I threw it in.

Some years are cooler with albums than others, but I've never had a phase where I didn't find anything to listen to, if I felt like listening to music that is.
At the moment, it's hard for me to listen to most of the metal stuff I liked a year ago during the day.
But there's awesome stuff from other genres and what really helps me to boost my mood is some good
ol' Frank Sinatra, besides that, I am mostly listening to soundtracks or audio-books, not that much
music anymore.