Huoston Texas people...

Haha, I keep reading that Galvestion residents have been warned of "certain death" if they don't flee.

Now I'm trying to remember who in Labyrinth said "certain death." The big rockface guy? The hands? Hmmm.

Damn now I'm thinking of this! I think it was if she didn't make it to the goblin king by midnight? It's been years! and then the bog of eternal stench keeps popping in my head.

Edit: Damn! the rock face guy! I can't remember his name either. grrr
I should move to Africa so I can blame hurricanes on me eating too many spicy and rich foods.
The most I get is FUCKING HOT and a slight shake from some distant earthquake every now and then. I'm usually asleep during them and never notice.
No Coast <3

Most we get are some tornadoes that touch down for 2 seconds every couple of years and don't kill anybody.
Lots of coast here. No hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes or anything. Just some active volcanos, sunshine, rain, clouds, and greenery. Oh, and coast :kickass:
This storm isn't going to badly affect the countryside. The steers will live. The scum of Houston won't. Poor John won't have any friends left :(
How strong do they expect it to actually be if it passes Dallas?

By the time it gets here it will be a tropical storm. Sustained winds between 20 - 30 mph, gusts could be over 50 mph. Several inches of rain, blah blah.

We occasionally get that kind of wind even when it's not storming.