Huoston Texas people...

Haha, a spring shower then. Good to hear no one'll be hurt. Well, no one smart enough to not be out driving unless they have to.
I read earlier cops in one city (not sure if it was galveston) road around telling people who were staying to write their names on their arms so they could identify the body when they find it next week. :lol:

True story!
Fire men also told people to spray their houses' walls with graffiti of their SSN so they'll know who died where... LOL

with all seriousness though.... it's fucking brutal, and I hope John and the rest are safe :/
Lots of coast here. No hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes or anything. Just some active volcanos, sunshine, rain, clouds, and greenery. Oh, and coast :kickass:
fo real. we have earthquakes, but i'll take that over hurricanes, tornadoes, and no ocean or mountains in sight any day. not to mention the superior buds!!
so whats stopping you? come out west, i can teach you about appreciating the different strains of bud, and you can teach me about appreciating the different vintages of wine, and together we can teach each other <3

ok probably not that last part