Hurricane Ivan

The Man

Franks and beans!
Feb 4, 2002
Gautier, MS
well, hurricane ivan looks like it's barrelling right for me. i live in the bottom right corner of mississippi and it's headed here. i'm packing all my stuff up and deciding in the next couple hours whether i should leave town. so wish me luck everyone. i'll come back as soon as i can and give a status report. hopefully if i lose power it won't be for too long.
Aren't you one of the Ragers you love to party and see if you can dodge it???

Dude head for higher ground BESAFE HOMEo_O
well, ivan came and went and i'm still here. it turned northeast before it hit land which spared us from a large part of it. we ended up leaving town for the night and when we came back there is one tree on the side of the house that got blown down and one small section of our fence. other than that there is just a bunch of limbs and pine straw littering the roads. the only reason we got really worried before the storm is because they weather channel was predicting something like 15-20 foot storm surges possibly going several miles inland. if any of you know anyhting about the mississippi gulf coast we have a major shipyar here that build navy ships. the access to that place is the pascagoula river and our house is about 3/4 a mile away from that. that had us worried. but everything is fine now and we're just trying to get back to normal. thanks for all the words of support while i was away.
Glad to hear that you are fine, and that you all escaped with only minor damage. Thats great news. Glad you are back bro.

The Man said:
well, ivan came and went and i'm still here. it turned northeast before it hit land which spared us from a large part of it. we ended up leaving town for the night and when we came back there is one tree on the side of the house that got blown down and one small section of our fence. other than that there is just a bunch of limbs and pine straw littering the roads. the only reason we got really worried before the storm is because they weather channel was predicting something like 15-20 foot storm surges possibly going several miles inland. if any of you know anyhting about the mississippi gulf coast we have a major shipyar here that build navy ships. the access to that place is the pascagoula river and our house is about 3/4 a mile away from that. that had us worried. but everything is fine now and we're just trying to get back to normal. thanks for all the words of support while i was away.
I had $32,000 worth of damage from Hurricanes Charlie and Frances. Charlie blew two 60ft pines came down on my house and right into my living room and garage. Huge mess. Frances then proceeded to dump 10 inches of rain on Orlando and the silly tarps I had on the roof were no match. Lots of water in the house.
hurricane ivan canceld my goddamn rugby game, nc state vs clemson, and we were gonna play at clemson and the fuckin game got canceld, pissed at the hurricane to say the least
The Man said:
well, Ivan came and went and i'm still here. it turned northeast before it hit land which spared us from a large part of it.
Yeah, Ivan turned right for us. Which was actually better than where the eye was suppose to go, into Mobile Bay. that would have have put me right on the northeast side of the storm, which is very bad. Instead the eye passed right on top of me (central Baldwin County, AL). We all fared pretty well though, minimal damage to property. So a big "Fuck you", to Ivan and all his 108 tornadoes he spawned.