Hurricane Ivan.....

tooobad71 said:
Jon Oliva lives abit north of tampa. Actually about a mile from Creeps and my I'm in Daytona Bch. I think Zak and the some of the Savatage guys live in that vicinity... I know Circle2Circle was local to Tampa.
Isn't Kamelot local to Florida, too?

lady_space said:
Opal, you must mean... that was fun! Down near Columbus, we were without power for 5 days, believe it or not. Out in the boonies, it was more like 2 weeks for some folks.

Yeah, I remember when that sucker came through. I watched from my dorm at Georgia Tech while it relocated trees around campus. :loco:

Looks like I'll be doing my running in the rain this year. :)

I'm flying into the ATL Airport from Minneapolis through Chicago Thursday morning, so I would think by that time it'll have passed or at worst, like others said, become very weakened. I think I'll be bringing an umbrella tho, as I recall PP I and running through the showers to and from my motel, and I had no umbrella that year :p

For the folks flying in earlier, and esp the FL people and folks affected by this, here's hoping nothing too major affects this weekends plans.

Nektar and Caravan are playing in Atlanta on Wednesday and I have a friend driving in from SC for that. I hope that show isn't affected as well as the Pre-Show of course too.

Our original plans were "early" this year by arriving Wed night. It looks like we'll be driving parallel to the damn thing and eventually beating it to panhandle area of Florida. This thing needs to travel further westward to make things easier for the Tampa bay area. If this thing hits land in Tampa and moves north you can pretty much kiss the Florida progpower attendees as well as Kamelot & Savatage goodbye this year.
Yeah I hope Ivan moves eastward and misses the US. Florida has seen enough and even though I am 180 miles inland, In 1995, Hurricane Opal pounded the hell out of my city (Phenix City Al./Columbus Ga.) I was without power for four days. Atlanta is only 90 miles from me so a severe trpical storm hitting Atlanta, though highly unlikely certainly is possible. Tropical storms/hurricanes once inland also often spring off torbnados. Not fun stuff.

IVAN is indeed terrible. I barely escaped it in fact. I was down in Jamaica for my honeymoon and lucked out on getting in the last plane that got out before the hurricane hit. The plane actually almost didn't take off. Regardless, just very happy to be alive right now.
Evergrey said:
IVAN is indeed terrible. I barely escaped it in fact. I was down in Jamaica for my honeymoon and lucked out on getting in the last plane that got out before the hurricane hit.

The newest sport...Extreme Honeymooning. That would've been one hell of a blowjob for your honeymoon... :Spin:
Any chances of some highways being closed going down to Atlanta? I wanted to already check other possible ways to drive from Richmond, VA.
Bryant said:
Yeah I hope Ivan moves eastward and misses the US. Florida has seen enough and even though I am 180 miles inland, In 1995, Hurricane Opal pounded the hell out of my city (Phenix City Al./Columbus Ga.) I was without power for four days. Atlanta is only 90 miles from me so a severe trpical storm hitting Atlanta, though highly unlikely certainly is possible. Tropical storms/hurricanes once inland also often spring off torbnados. Not fun stuff.

no no no.. if that bastard moves east it will crush Florida from where it is now.. it needs to push out further west.

here's a link so everyone can check the projections from;
I dunno why it hasn't already happened, but for some reason one of my favorite Scorpions tunes just popped into my head...

"Here I am! Rockin' like a hurricane!!" :loco:

Should be the theme for this year's festival.

Seriously, though, it really sucks for the Florida crew. Hope y'all make it through all right!

Me and my friend will probably leave Richmond VA on friday morning at like 5 am. Does anyone think that it's ludacris ? ( And I don't mean the rapper )
I don't think Ivan is going to hit us here in South Florida... I just hope it stays away from my route to ATL (turpike and i-75).... Otherwise I will have to make some other travel plans (maybe I-95 or something)....
Ivan.....YOU BASTARD!!!!

I've been tracking this thing for days, like many here I'm sure. It sure looks like it's heading right for Georgia. I'm flying in from San Francisco on Thursday, should arrive in Atlanta around 2/2:30, right about the time Ivan (or it's remnants) will be there. The last really bad tropical storm we had out here in S.F. was around 1982 (hell, the entire front of a friends house was torn off), so I'm not sure what to expect. I've got my fingers crossed, not just for the show, but for everyone in this things path.