Hurricane Ivan.....

Ivan.....YOU BASTARD!!!!
I second that emotion! :yell:

I flew through the edge of a hurricane about 8 years ago and was so freaked out I didn't fly for a few years after that. I'm definitley gonna need some kind of tranquilizer. Vodka? Not a bad idea, actually. :hypno:

Well, let's just keep our fingers crossed and pray or whatever. So many of us travelling at the same time this could be a real pain in the ass for us all.
In all seriousness, I am closer to Atlanta (90 miles) than Panama City and like I said, in 1995, hurricane Opal blistered my city. I am NOT trying to freak people out. Downtown Atlanta is about as safe as it can be because there aren't many old trees. Atlanta is concrete and buildings. I'll borrow one of my step-dad's humvees if shit happens. >:P~

Its slowed down so much right now that it is forcasted to hit Alabam late thursday now, will not get into Georgia until friday now. No worries we'll all be ok.

I will be pulling into the Fairfield parking lot early Thur. afternoon. Ivan doesn't scare me...I'll drive right through that sumbitch if I have to. Might be a windy, rainy weekend, but it'll be dry inside the venue... :rock:
And the track has pushed back slightly east again. Once this thing gets past Cuba it's probably on an almost northerly direction till it gets to the panhandle.

Hey Gerry what time you leaving Thursday?