hurricane ...

dorian gray said:
meh, this is a terrible situation but i think americans, as typical, are bitching and complaining too much. yes, the federals fucked up and heads should roll, but what happened to louisiana? why werent these fuckers planning for this inevitable storm? why wasnt NO, which is a city under the fucken sea level, prepared?
why in the hell would you live in a city that is defended by levies?
im just already sick of hearing people complain and bitch about what they are entitled to because they make stupid fucking decisions. why is it the repsonsibility of american taxpayers to bail out people who want to be poor and have endless children?
did irish, german, and asian immigrants demand money, supplies, and food when they got off the boats in New York and Long Beach? not that i know of. they got stoned and beaten. and they still made lives for themselves. what ever happened to repsonsibility? why do people who live in the paths of hurricans keep getting federal funds every goddam year? i simply dont get this.

dorian gray said:
meh, this is a terrible situation but i think americans, as typical, are bitching and complaining too much. yes, the federals fucked up and heads should roll, but what happened to louisiana? why werent these fuckers planning for this inevitable storm? why wasnt NO, which is a city under the fucken sea level, prepared?
why in the hell would you live in a city that is defended by levies?
im just already sick of hearing people complain and bitch about what they are entitled to because they make stupid fucking decisions. why is it the repsonsibility of american taxpayers to bail out people who want to be poor and have endless children?
did irish, german, and asian immigrants demand money, supplies, and food when they got off the boats in New York and Long Beach? not that i know of. they got stoned and beaten. and they still made lives for themselves. what ever happened to repsonsibility? why do people who live in the paths of hurricans keep getting federal funds every goddam year? i simply dont get this.

posted by a friend on another forum

After watching Kanye West's ignorant input last night...yes, pure ignorance. Idiotic and emotional comments based on his own feelings. With ZERO basis in fact. BTW, in WHAT other country can a black man become a millionaire taking music that someone else previously wrote and adding rhymes over it? Anyway....

This concept that the Federal Govt is taking too long out of a lack of concern, lack of sense of urgency, or a hatred of blacks is some of the most divisive and ignorant bile that has ever been spewed. Black RACISTS are taking this opportunity, to use the effects of a flawed SYSTEM, to categorize the govt (and essentially white AMerica) as overtly racist and complicitly allowing the suffering of an area almost exclusive populated by blacks.

First. The area that this has effected is the size of KANSAS, in sq. miles. The roads and thoroughfares have been flooded and obstructed by debris. The expectation that ALL people can be helped in a timely manner is simply FOOLISH. The logistics involved and the situation preclude that. Certain groups of people get used to the govt. sending a check the first of the month, providing Sect 8 housing, providing free health care and services...and then when these groups of people don't get immediate attention, well, the RACE card gets dropped with a heavy hand. This is a fucking disaster of biblical proportions. THERE IS NOTHING THAT WE COULD HAVE DONE THAT WOULD HAVE PROVIDED COMPLETE PREPARATION. Accept that. That is the only option. (I guess someday, if a meteor falls out of the sky and lands on the black section of town...George Bush and white America should have built a giant shield....since they didn't, it means they don't care about blacks)

Second. There is a piece of legislation called the Stafford Act which governs emergency response from the Federal Govt. This act places the burden on the municipality (read: THE MAYOR) and the state Governor. The Federal Govt does not act until the REQUEST is made. So, there is an inherent layer of bureaucracy involved. Which, SLOWS down the process of Federal help. Folks, this shit is being run by the GOVERNMENT...when the hell has the government EVER been accused of being EFFICIENT??????

This is a horrible situation which can not be helped by people that have an agenda of creating racial division. What good does it do to accuse the president of not caring about black people? Even if it were true...what positive can come of that on a program to raise money for the refugees? I'll still give money, but not thru any charity that Kanye West is involved in....

We plan, we try to access situations....but, sometimes something comes along that is beyond the scope of the planning. This is one of those times. Partisan politics, race bating, and trying to assign blame for the effects of God's will are a waste of energy and attention. All these "leaders", celebrities, and politicians engaging in this need to head over to the corner bar and have a nice tall glass of "SHUT THE FUCK UP"....on me.....cheers.

BTW....why hasn't the NAACP mobilized and sent thousands and thousands of black members to help? Oh, guess it takes time to put a relief effort together, doesn't it?....cheers.
they've moved over 1500 refugees to fucking Huntsville Texas. the small city has already had to tell the police force to be on the look out, because there are numerous reports of these refugees picking pockets and stealing items from retail stores. fucking figures...

just keep 'em out of the Woodlands.
I went to help my girlfriend yesterday move out the last couple of things of her apartment in Harlem.

And already, as I was driving through, crosstown, I was getting angry dirty looks from blacks. Normally, they pay no mind to me (at least in the last few months I have been seeing her), but yesterday it was really evident. Even the normal amount of tourists hanging around there have been lacking.

Anyway, just something I noticed ... and before someone asks, no, she is not black :loco:
also, the huntsville city officials have had to tell people to start locking their houses and cars because of these people. huntsville is a small trusting community, and now their lives have to be altered because these fucking people. just throw 'em in the damn prisons up there.
lurch70 said:
I went to help my girlfriend yesterday move out the last couple of things of her apartment in Harlem.

And already, as I was driving through, crosstown, I was getting angry dirty looks from blacks. Normally, they pay no mind to me (at least in the last few months I have been seeing her), but yesterday it was really evident. Even the normal amount of tourists hanging around there have been lacking.

Anyway, just something I noticed ... and before someone asks, no, she is not black :loco:

bah, you're just racist. remember, only whites can be racist. :tickled:
the funiest statement the MAYOR of N.O. said today ...

"we need some place with a high concentration of hotels for shelter ... some place like Las Vegas ... that would be great" :lol:
yeah, i cannot believe the balls on this guy ... yeah ... lets fuck up the economy of another major revenue producing town.

imagine the sales pitch to the Mayor of Las Vegas ... would love to be a fly on the wall to see that reaction.
i'm part black.

Then go tell your 1/2 breathren to quit propogating their stereotype. Which 1/2, both if you want.
why do blacks always stick up for one another? it certainly does not seem that they help eachother so I am not sure what is this big "love".
or is it just the fact that they are "black" that makes each of them act outraged if another black is not helped.

don't know how you guys are, but being Romanian, perosnally I don't really give two shits about other Romanians for example. certainly not more or less than any other human beings.
shit, ROmanians never did shit for me ... what is it with blacks? is it the belief of a common struggle?
lurch70 said:
the funiest statement the MAYOR of N.O. said today ...

"we need some place with a high concentration of hotels for shelter ... some place like Las Vegas ... that would be great" :lol:

I had been completely behind the guy, partly because of his refusal to pull any punches and because watching him pound someone in a debate would be awesome (get the mayor a show on CNN!), but that is wrong on quite a few levels. But I can only describe the diaspora from the ruins of New Orleans in eight simple words:

At this point, why not?
We are FUCKED.
J. said:
I heard that rant. It was actually kinda funny. ANd I hear Jesse "I love to love my love child" Jackson is already on about how the response was slow because the majority people are black.

I knew someone was going to the race card eventually.

Easy for a fucking white guy that lives in the Woodlands to say. :mad:

If you deny that race is even an issue, not to mention the economic class, then you are in serious denial. All you have to do is watch the media footage. When whites hit a store, they are "finding food to survive" when blacks do it, they are looting.

And I'm not referring to the idiots that took tvs and such, they are just idiots period, regardless of color.
lurch70 said:
black helicopters my ass ... this is one thing that is wrong with most Americans (not you NAD :loco: ) ... they never look beyond what the media feeds us.

Food and supplies are not coming in ... obviously if the buses are leaving for Texas the roads are somewhat cleared for trucks and emergency workers to come and help.

why has this not happened in 4 days now?

9/11 ... emergency crews were here from fucking TX and across the US literally overnight ... I saw it with my own eyes. What is so different down south now?

Exactly. If the media can get their suvs in there and film these people. I think the fucking government can do the same. Anybody else hear that Halliburton got a government contract to fix NO up?

What a fuckin disgrace this is.

Condoleeza Rice is on vacation, playing tennis with Monica Seles, buying $1,000 shoes and going to Broadway shows. Cheney is on vacation in Wyoming fly fishing or something.....
this is for J. ... people reporting back on what is going on in Houston with the refugees.

At a different table, Catherine Scott is sitting with her family. Her house in Chalmette, Louisiana, just outside New Orleans, has water up to the roof. She and her 11 relatives are going to get a reduced-rate apartment in Houston. Catherine's a nurse. She says she'll look for a job. Her daughter Jessica already got work at Wal-Mart. She says it's possible the family will not move back.