hurricane ...

okay, people panicking, let's take away any help they can get THAT SHOULD CALM THEN DOWN!!! :Smug:
Random Beard said:
Apparently some conspiracy nuts on coast to coast am say the hurricane was made by a machine that fucks with the ionosphere. Thats right. Terrorists are sending hurricanes at us.
it was the jews
i am beginning to suspect this is a conspiracy by the gov't to get rid of the bleacks :loco: ... because i for one do buy into the fact that they could not get supplies and food there in what ... 4 days now?

anyone else see something weird with this?
possibly the blacks, but more likely the poor. this country hates the poor, hate hate hates them. drain on society, they are a pain in the ass, and they even smell funny.

i see black helicopters all the damn time, so i feel ya. :loco:
black helicopters my ass ... this is one thing that is wrong with most Americans (not you NAD :loco: ) ... they never look beyond what the media feeds us.

Food and supplies are not coming in ... obviously if the buses are leaving for Texas the roads are somewhat cleared for trucks and emergency workers to come and help.

why has this not happened in 4 days now?

9/11 ... emergency crews were here from fucking TX and across the US literally overnight ... I saw it with my own eyes. What is so different down south now?
lurch70 said:
black helicopters my ass ... this is one thing that is wrong with most Americans (not you NAD :loco: ) ... they never look beyond what the media feeds us.

Food and supplies are not coming in ... obviously if the buses are leaving for Texas the roads are somewhat cleared for trucks and emergency workers to come and help.

why has this not happened in 4 days now?

9/11 ... emergency crews were here from fucking TX and across the US literally overnight ... I saw it with my own eyes. What is so different down south now?


"man i would never fuck with someone's couch. yeah, i fucked with their couch."
im still confused as to what happened. remember the news on monday morning was like, "well, looks like new orleans will be completely spared of the hurricane." next thing i know, the city is destroyed. so, the lake just flooded over or what?

anyway, here's what i see: relief to tsunami victims thousands and thousands of miles away, with no bearing whatsoever on Americans - instant and total; relief to our own fucken people - nothing. laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame.
I don't think anyone is saying that Bush weakening FEMA by making it a Homeland Security subsidiary and cutting a local flood relief project would have made the hurricane any less destructive, but it could have minimized at least some's the failure to deliver widespread humanitarian aid and stabilize the looting that's making him look even worse.
And of course he wouldn't flood the red states...I heartlessly joked the day before the impact that there would be a lot less Republicans by the end of the week.
Oak of the Sacred said:
I guess you got your wish eh?
yeah, that thread i started is pretty embarassing. i started that without knowledge of the actual destruction, obviously. aaaaaaand, i never said i wanted anyone to get hurt or suffer; i just wanted new orleans to be destroyed....because thats what the news *made* me want. yeah. thats it.
theres a show on NBC right now. check it. this situation is incredibly embarassing for all Americans.
wow. that show sucked. basically, thats some bad shit down there. we'll return after these messages." repeat for one hour.
you know, this whole thing is turning completely shocking. i mean what the fuck, people are dying in lawn chairs and being left to rot, rape-gangs are on the prowl, and the national guard is being told "shoot to kill." i mean this is making mardi gras look like chuck e. cheese!
"They have M-16s and they're locked and loaded," Gov. Kathleen Blanco said of 300 National Guard troops who landed in New Orleans fresh from duty in Iraq. "These troops know how to shoot and kill, and they are more than willing to do so, and I expect they will."
And even that article is not without the subtle racist propaganda we've come to expect from Yahoo! News:

Police Chief Eddie Compass said there was such a crush around a squad of 88 officers that they retreated when they went in to check out reports of assaults.
these fucking politicians are scrambling for cover because the shitstorm that will come out of this will cover them with a shimmering sheen of shit.

That Barbour dude "oh, there's no way we could have known Katrina was Cat 5..." bullshit. now this Bianco is talking like she's some kind of guinea badass...guess what bitch, those people in the city can't hear your bluster, BECAUSE THEY'VE GOT NO ELECTRICITY. hence, her posturing is for the rest of us, to deflect blame from herself.

this is the biggest disaster in America in the last century. this is a complete and total bend over and spread em.
dayum i knew it. dallas has an old arena downtown thats not used anymore, i knew they'd take them there. they have. *sigh*

its gonna make downtown even more chaotic :Smug:. but its better than taking them to texas stadium right next to my parents' house...even though they still may. there's 25,000 more heading to dallas.

not that i really have a problem with it, the folks do need a lot of help. but dayum.

they just said on our DC news that they may send them up here too.
man ... you guys have to hear the Mayor of New Orleans on ...

the guy is pissed! ... sorry but I cannot link the vid ... it's on the home page

you gotta hear this guy!