hurricane ...

I don't expect Bush to do anything, but LEAD, goddamit. stop the photo ops with guitars; stop comparing Iraq to WWII (ridiculous); let the american people see that maybe, just maybe, you give a shit.

this isn't just me saying this; newspapers across the country, previously moribund if not comatose, are blasting bush for his appearing lackadaisical. In his speech the other day, he mentioned the hurricane for only a couple hundred words, the other thousands were spent talking about social security and what not.

nobody gives a shit right now about social security. people are dying in their thousands.
I know buddy, believe me, but for chrissakes, some of the nonsense I've the poorly researched claims that "had Bush not cut the levee reconstruction" funding last year, this never would've happened, etc. etc. It's laughable.

It also REALLY bothers me that leftists are using this tragedy as a means of furthering their own political agenda. I mean, there are most likely 1000s of bodies that haven't even been found yet. Methinks I should post the definition of the word "tact" in my sig file...
he was addicted to internet forums from what i heard, i guess it was interferring with other aspects of his life even. weird.
lizard said:
omg I'm addicted to massage boards

and WTF to people actually defend ann coulter? even if you somehow agree with her spewed bile, you have to admit that she's a cunt. i mean, it's her schtick to make people pissed off at her.
and that vunt Michelle Malkin....jesus.

WTF is going on there? and why are these people shooting at rescue efforts?

New Orleans hospital halts patient evacuations after coming under sniper fire, a doctor who witnessed the incident says.

my question is where the fuck are all the people, whoever the fuck they are ... these organizations that rescue? I mean we are going on day 4 and all they figured out is to get in buses and take people to Houston?