hurricane ...

lol @ the mayor. at first i liked this guy, then i thought, "wait, isnt it kinda his fault New Orleans is such a shithole and didnt have appropriate defenses for a category 5 hurricane - WHICH THEY WERE WARNED ABOUT TEN YEARS AGO?!" now, i think he's just another big mouth - like that general dude down there yelling at cops who have been holed up in their station getting shot at by drug addicts. i secretly wished one of them would have shot him when he told them to put their "goddam guns down!" that guy might run a tight ship, but it doesnt give him a right to spew vitriol at press conferences and act like a total bad ass all the time. that's great for morale, im sure.
Question: where are rich white guys going to go to get wasted and find cheap whores now??

answer: Houston

I say the NO mayor rocks. he's had the guts to call a spade a spade, if you will.

can someone tell me why the director of FEMA had to resign as president of the Arabian Horse Association? and how that qualified him to be head of Disaster Management? complete....cluster....fuck.

if fucking stone phillips can get into NO, they should have been able to air drop all kinds of shit.

Fred Phelps takes time out on his hunt for Sweden's king to say:

Thank God for Katrina
New Orleans, symbol of America, seen for what it is: a putrid, toxic, stinking cesspool of fag fecal matter.

"Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupt; they have forsaken the Lord, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger. Why should ye be stricken any more? ye will revolt more and more; the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint. From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it, but wounds, and bruises, and putrifying sores; they have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with ointment." Isaiah 1:4-6.
America is irreversibly doomed. It is a sin to pray for the good of this evil fag nation.

"Therefore pray not thou for this people, neither lift up cry nor prayer for them, neither make intercession to me; for I will not hear thee." Jeremiah 7:16.
It is a sin NOT to rejoice when God executes His wrath and vengeance upon America.

"The righteous shall rejoice when he seeth the vengeance; he shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked. So that a man shall say, Verily there is a reward for the righteous; verily he is a God that judgeth in the earth." Psalm 58:10,11.
Pray for more dead bodies floating on the fag-semen-rancid waters of New Orleans.
Pray for more American bodies blown to smithereens by cheap home made Iraqi IEDs - like the IED America bombed WBC with August 20, 1995, hoping thereby to terrorize us into silence about America's fag sins.

"And I myself will fight against you with an outstretched hand and with a strong arm, even in anger, and in fury, and in great wrath. And I will smite the inhabitants of this city, both man and beast; they shall die of a great pestilence." Jeremiah 21:5,6.
America became WBC's terrorist. So, God, in retaliation, became America's Terrorist.
this almost sounds like it should be made into a stoner movie.

Three Duke Students in Hyundai Beat Feds in Relief Effort
By Ray Gronberg : The Herald-Sun
Sep 4, 2005 : 9:36 pm ET
DURHAM -- A trio of Duke University sophomores say they drove to New Orleans late last week, posed as journalists to slip inside the hurricane-soaked city twice, and evacuated seven people who weren't receiving help from authorities.

The group, led by South Carolina native Sonny Byrd, say they also managed to drive all the way to the New Orleans Convention Center, where they encountered scenes early Saturday evening that they say were disgraceful.

"We found it absolutely incredible that the authorities had no way to get there for four or five days, that they didn't go in and help these people, and we made it in a two-wheel-drive Hyundai," said Hans Buder, who made the trip with his roommate Byrd and another student, David Hankla.

Buder's account -- told by cell phone Sunday evening as the trio neared Montgomery, Ala., on their way home -- chronicled a three-day odyssey that began when the students, angered by the news reports they were seeing on CNN, loaded up their car with bottled water and headed for the Gulf coast to see if they could lend a hand.

The trio say they left Durham about 6 p.m. Thursday and reached Montgomery about 12 hours later. After catching 1½ hours of sleep, they reached the coast at Mobile. From there, they traveled through the Mississippi cities of Biloxi and Gulfport.

Pushing on, they passed through Slidell, La., and tried to get into New Orleans by a couple of routes. Each time, police and National Guard troops turned them away. By 2 p.m. they'd wound up in Baton Rouge.

Stopping first at a Red Cross shelter and then at offices of a Baton Rouge TV station, WAFB, they eventually made their way to the campus of Louisiana State University. By 8 p.m. Friday they were working as volunteers in an emergency assistance area set up inside LSU's indoor track arena.

The students worked until about 2 a.m. Saturday, then slept on the floor of a dorm room. When they awoke, they went back to the TV station, which was hosting what Buder termed "a distribution center" for supplies.

At 2 p.m., the trio decided to head for New Orleans, Buder said. After looking around, they swiped an Associated Press identification and one of the TV station's crew shirts, and found a Kinko's where they could make copies of the ID.

They were stopped again by authorities at the edge of New Orleans, but this time were able to make it through.

"We waved the press pass, and they looked at each other, the two guards, and waved us on in," Buder said.

Inside the city, they found a surreal environment.

"It was wild," Buder said. "It really felt like it was 'Independence Day,' the movie."

The trio dodged downed trees and power lines until they happened upon Magazine Street, which runs in a semi-circle around the city parallel to and about four blocks north of the Mississippi River.

They stopped to give water to a 15-year-old boy sitting beside the road holding a sign that said "Need Water/Food," then went to the convention center.

The evacuation was basically complete by the time they arrived, at about 6:30 or 6:45 p.m. What the trio saw there horrified them.

Buder said the students saw four or five bodies. National Guard troopers seemed to be checking the second and third floors of the building to try to secure the site.

"Anyone who knows that area, if you had a bus, it would take you no more than 20 minutes to drive in with a bus and get these people out," Buder said. "They sat there for four or five days with no food, no water, babies getting raped in the bathrooms, there were murders, nobody was doing anything for these people. And we just drove right in, really disgraceful. I don't want to get too fired up with the rhetoric, but some blame needs to be placed somewhere."

By about 7 p.m., the students made their way back to the boy on Magazine Street. He directed them to some people "who really needed to get out." The resulting evacuation began at a house at the corner of Magazine and Peniston streets.

The first group included three women and a man. The students climbed into the front seats of the four-door Hyundai, and the evacuees filled the back seat. They left the city and headed back to Baton Rouge. There they deposited the man at the LSU medical center and took the women to dinner. The women later found shelter with relatives, and the students got about four hours' sleep inside the LSU chapel.

At 6:30 a.m. Sunday, they made their second run into New Orleans, returning to the house at Magazine and Peniston streets. This time they picked up three men and headed back to Baton Rouge. Two of the men were the husbands of two of the women evacuated the night before. The students reunited them with their wives and put the two families on a bus for Texas.

Buder is from Martha's Vineyard, Mass.; Byrd is from Rock Hill, S.C.; and Hankla is from Washington, D.C.
dorian gray said:
lol @ the mayor. at first i liked this guy, then i thought, "wait, isnt it kinda his fault New Orleans is such a shithole and didnt have appropriate defenses for a category 5 hurricane - WHICH THEY WERE WARNED ABOUT TEN YEARS AGO?!" now, i think he's just another big mouth - like that general dude down there yelling at cops who have been holed up in their station getting shot at by drug addicts. i secretly wished one of them would have shot him when he told them to put their "goddam guns down!" that guy might run a tight ship, but it doesnt give him a right to spew vitriol at press conferences and act like a total bad ass all the time. that's great for morale, im sure.

do you wear those clothes from another thread? :loco: :grin:

did you see those momo's kids that are helping out down there ... basically clueless ... they need some guy yelling at them.

the mayor of NO reminds me of someone I have either seen on TV or someone I know personally ... but cannot put my finger on it.
lurch70 said:
did you see those momo's kids that are helping out down there ... basically clueless ... they need some guy yelling at them.
haha! true. but not the cops though. those folks were getting SHOT AT because they chose to stay behind and do their jobs. cops make something like 30-40 grand a year MAX. thats not much. now they're pretty much working for free and people are shooting at them. it was wrong of that general dude to commandeer them. i wouldve told him to fuck off - absolutely no power or jurisdiction over civilian police. he does a good job with his own people though, apparently.

@lizard: good story. do you think it's true? also, that dude said, "babies getting raped...." did i hear that right? wtf?
black refugees from Katrina find shelter holy shit omg wtf
