

Nov 22, 2001
Hey guys, remember me?

I'm baaaack! I have been away from the forums for quite some time, how's everyone around here going?
opacity said:
*kicks butt*
where have you been!?


hope you show up some more often than in the last.... years

Hey man! Yeah, I will show up more often! :D
So, would anyone care to fill me in on the current board status? :)
Haha, the long forgotten moderator returns. Did you ever moderate this forum? :P. Nah welcome back man...this place is dead as dead can be for the most part. I've been so friggen busy.
Final_Vision said:
Haha, the long forgotten moderator returns. Did you ever moderate this forum? :P. Nah welcome back man...this place is dead as dead can be for the most part. I've been so friggen busy.
Haha, yeah! Thanks. :P
Well, I did moderate it in the beginning but then I started running out of time.
How many users still post here?
check out the "new album" thread for your answer. Although I don't really post here except each time Skyfire releases a new album and I say how awesome it is. Maybe a few of those users in that thread are the same way.
borsox13 said:
check out the "new album" thread for your answer. Although I don't really post here except each time Skyfire releases a new album and I say how awesome it is. Maybe a few of those users in that thread are the same way.
Thanks man.
Yeah, I guess so. I'll check the thread out!
Gums said:
Hey I remember you.. you're the guy that says "Hey guys, I'm back!!" like once every year and a half, then vanishes again! :tickled:

Yeah, that's me alright! :P So, how's it going?