hypo-song's you DON'T like?

If I had to choose a hypocrisy song that I don't like
maybe I would choose Evil invaders & a public puppet
though these 2 aren't good in comparison to the rest of hypo songs, but these 2 are better than other bands songs anyway
here is an album to album list of songs i dont like
Penetraila-Im not as familiar with this album than anything after 4th dimension, so i dont really know the songs well.

Obsculum-I never got into this album minus a few kick ass tracks.

The 4th dimension-Not really a bad track on this album-just bad production

Abducted-when the candle fades is a pretty crappy song (I hate those pinch harmonics in that song)

The Final Chapter-Lies, Shamateur and Evil invaders really bring this album down in my opinion.

Self Titled-the only song i never really cared for was time warp, but i listend to that track not to long ago and had better opinions of it. This record is STILL my favorate Metal album of all time-BAR NONE!!!!

Into The Abyss-this album was such a dissapointment for me since i was such a huge fan of the self titled. I never cared for Digital Prophecy, Unleash the Beast, or Ressurected. Some good tracks, but not a great album by any means

Catch 22-Ok, this album is very black/white to me. This album has some of the best Hypo tracks to date IMO (Uncontrolled, Seeds of the Chosen One, All turns black, which could be one of my favs of all time), but then there are the BAD tracks (a pubblic puppet, turn the page). I still think this album is very good (holds alot of college memories for me)

The Arrival-i like all the tracks-some more than others. If there were a track i didn't care for much, it would be "born dead, buried alive" compared to other opening tracks, this one is definately below par (fractured millennium anybody? )

my 2 cents
paINflames said:
you really don't like Carved Up??? I think it's brilliant, especially the ultra high and ultra long screams in the verses at the beginning!

Its not bad but i don't like it that much. Especially the lyrics (ok that has nothing to do with the music ;) ) are very bad... poor little children :grin:
Well.. there are some songs I could say I don´t like as much as all the rest, like Public Puppet and Born Dead, Buried Alive. But there are only few of them. And my likes and dislikes still seem so much depend on my moods. Weird. Weirdweirdweird.
That, and being a fanatic.
i dont hate any song by hypocrisy, into the abyss is good cause they go back to what they where like on earlier albums
Wow, this is pretty sad. Hypocrisy didnt start making bad songs until Catch 22. Nothing on Catch 22 or the Arival is worth hearing. Wait let me correct that. The only worth while song on those two records combined is "the abyss" which is a re-recorded song off of the Fourth Dimension. The best material was with Broberg. His vocals are inhumanly evil. Much better than the shit you hear out of Sweden these days. I guess I really like riffs that are more complicated that 2 or 3 chord combinations. Anyway, if you dont like the old Hypocrisy you are a mall core kid. Bottom line.
This forum thread is like Aushchwitz, minus the laughter that would normally ensue. Rather, it is just a major atrocity showcasing the sad butchering of Hypocrisy's best work and raising on a pedestal Hypocrisy's sellout shit. I love Peter Tagtgren, I love Hypocrisy, and I pray that some day Peter will find it in his blackened, evil, metal loving soul to return to Hypocrisy's roots. Catch22 and The Arrival, if none of you are aware, is some of the least technical, most boring, and utterly empty "music" I've ever heard. Penetralia through the self titled cds all had passion, agression, and technicality, throughout the changes Hypocrisy went through. Into the Abyss was the first real sign of trouble, as Deathrow is perhaps the only song that still felt and sounded like older Hypocrisy (the self titled at that, so not much older), and Catch 22 and on (thus far) have been nothing but demeaning attempts to sell more albums to 14 year olds so they can put it between their Disturbed and Mudvayne cds. Every single song off of Catch22, and every single song off of The Arrival(with the onyl exception being The Abyss) are some of the worst songs I have ever heard....ever.
I've only listened to their "The Arrival" album, so I can't say, really. The only songs I really like off that album are "Eraser," and "Slave To The Parasites," though.
