Hypocrisy - 10 Years of Chaos and Confusion


Not blessed, or merciful
Apr 11, 2001
Sarf Lundin, Innit
Hypocrisy - 10 Years of Chaos and Confusion
Nuclear Blast - 2001
By Rodrigo


It seems its trendy right now for bands to ask their fans to help them out in selecting songs for a greatest hits album. Iron Maiden did it for Ed Hunter and Gamma Ray for Blast from the Past. This is definitely a very cool way for bands to get their fans involved and making them feel part of the process. Hypocrisy is the latest band to follow the same path and the result is 10 Years of Chaos and Confusion containing 14 death/black metal songs in total, 2 songs taken from each of their 7 studio albums. Just like Gamma Ray did with their album, Hypocrisy wanted to make this release worthwhile for the fans and not just merely put some songs into an album and sell it like that.

Hypocrisy re-recorded all the songs that were selected from their first 3 albums, Penetralia, Osculum Obscenum and The Fourth Dimension and they sound incredible! Just to get these 6 new versions is the sole reason one should think about in getting this album. "Penetralia", "Left to Rot", "Pleasures of Molestation" and "Osculum Obscenum" now sound more vicious, crisper and plainly better. "The Fourth Dimension" and "Apocalypse" sound more majestic and impressive. If you like how the most recent Hypocrisy albums have sounded then you are simply going to thoroughly enjoy these re-recordings.

The rest of the songs are exactly the same as they were found in the original studio albums. I have no complaints regarding what songs are found here because I am a big fan of each one of these songs. From Into the Abyss there is "Deathrow (No Regrets)" and "Fire in the Sky". "Fractured Millennium" and "Until the End" come from Hypocrisy’s amazing (and my favorite) self titled comeback album. The Final Chapter is represented by "A Coming Race" and "The Final Chapter". Finally, "Killing Art" and everybody’s favorite Hypocrisy anthem song "Roswell 47" come from Abducted.

As if haven’t sold you on what a great release this is, Nuclear Blast plans to release a limited edition double CD with the second CD containing one new song and the demo that got the band signed to the label. Any fan of Hypocrisy should definitely check out this release and to those of you unfamiliar with Hypocrisy, this would be a great introduction to the band. Hail Peter, Lars and Mikael!