Hypocrisy - Munich 7.12.05

the gig was just GREAT:

Fear my Thoughts sucked (i hate musicians with lord of the rings elbish crap tattos) --> it was 0815 metalcore, the longhaired guitar dude and the drummer should open up a new band they where good and kick thoose other guys!!!
wintersun was pretty amazing with the crazy always smilling during blasbeats playing kai hatto this guy is just a might. jari did his job extreme good and the other booth guys too.

then came naglfar - they where just boring!!!

but then i didnt know anything about that band but exodus have a new fan since this evening, ME. they were just metal as metal could be, pretty good thrash metal right in your face but i think that works only live they blew my head off. it was an amazing show.

but the the highligt, evil peter. me and my friends call him the devil (pix will show u what i mean). they where the best band i have seen for a long time they just grabbed my by the balls and threw me through the whole hall, they were so fucking awesome that i had to buy two shirts after their gig. they played a good mix from old and new stuff, adjusting the sun just blew me away!!!

i made 1.553 pix so i hope you are not bad if you have to wait till tomorrow to see them but i think you will not scroll to all of them, ill get you a best of!!! i have to sleep now, i already fell my neck hurting gonna be great tomorrow!!!! :hotjump:
Nice Pics!!!! I was there, too :)
The only band, I didn't like was Fear my thoughts.....just boring metalcore
The other bands were very good, especially Hypocrisy (of course) and Exodus.
I just knew 2 or 3 songs of Exodus before and I didn't really like them, but live they were awsome :kickass:
Hypocrisy were the Highlight, anyway. They just blew me away...and especially my neck ^^

Hey btw: I found me in your pics :D http://www.pixum.de/members/michael..._pos=304&ktw=e3b60081e7fecd577339f576674a86bd (the long-haired in the middle showing the horns ^^)
Here`s one more report about this gig (in Munich, including photos of all bands playing there), German only... yeah, I have to much time, but I was just in the mood to link those old photos & reports.

(And here`s Hypocrisy at Up from the Ground festival 2005:
http://www.sheol-magazine.com/UFTG05hypocrPics.htm )

Lucky bastard got to see wintersun... Setlist from them?