I´m out of here.


Not quite done yet...
May 1, 2003
Sverige för fan
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Yes, that´s right, I´m leaving. Going to northern Norway to see if I can make some money so I´ll be gone a couple of months depending on how much work there is.

See yah!
Arg_Hamster said:
Yes, that´s right, I´m leaving. Going to northern Norway to see if I can make some money so I´ll be gone a couple of months depending on how much work there is.

See yah!

All the best my friend.

May the Julio be with you ... Always.
ingenkommentar said:
Are you going there to work with fish? rensa? That seems pretty boring, but if you get money maybe it's worth it.
Lycka till!

Jag hoppas att få jobba så mycket som möjligt med lossningen. Det finns inte arbete där varje dag men när det finns jobb är det ackordlön (och ett jävla slit). Ska fan svälta ut sälarna.

(Transl.) I hope to work a lot on the docks, (like in that Bon Jovi-song) and not so much with gutting fish. But if I have to I´ll try to wipe out an eco-system or two for cash.

PS. För att citera Hans af Claes: "Waow... en fifk!" DS. :lol:

DarbysDad said:
Dude are you sure it's not private time with the Hoff?

The Hoff has other hoes than me, right now I think he is drunk and pissing his speedos after doing Condie Rice. :erk:

eighteeschick said:
Good luck! I'm sure the arguments won't change by the time you get back, they'll just lack your humor.

I´ll miss the J vs. J fights for a couple of months. Don´t know how I´ll live without them. :rolleyes: