Do wall hangers destroy the arm of a guitar/bass?

Tell that to the £4500 masterbuilt strat at work that got damaged using one of those wall hangers!!

Certain types of rubber/plastic used in wall hangers can react badly with polyurethane finishes.

I think you mean nitrocelulose instruments and not polyurethane.

I have guitars with both types of finishing and the nitrocelulose is the one that doesn't like rubber and plastic (guitar stands, wall hangers etc).

nitrocelulose was used on older instruments and is still used on some like special fenders for that vintage feel.

The aging process of the wood is better with nitrocelulose, some even say it sounds better... I can't prove that with my guitars. Polyurethane on the other hand is more rigid and durable.

take care:kickass:
my hangers arrived and i just put em up:

Nah, that chair is just to take a crap, take a look at the hole. Here in Brazil we all love to shit in the middle of the bedroom. Part of our culture :puke:

Just kiddin, oh, that plastic chair is what I´ve used to stand at the right height to make the holes on the wall with the drill.

...hmn, taking a good look now it was absolutely unsafe, almost suicidal, of my part to operate a drill standing on such a fragile plastic chair :Smokin:

Dude... I´m shocked now. :OMG:

ps: oh, I´m 'Whitedamp', the guy that started the thread. Just changed the alias.