Suggest a Studio Bass!

The 35 inch scale length of the BTB certainly lends the B string a good dose of clarity.
I don't know how well that particular model you asked about tracks, but I can say that judging from the two BTB 5 strings one of my mates own, they are a fucking pleasure to play.
The large fretboard radius and relatively thin neck is such a joy to play and wayyyyyyy easier to play than those fucking Fenders with their round as fuck fretboard radiuses.
Anything that allows the player to play more comfortably and with greater ease should surely result in more controlled and smoother played bass lines to my mind, which no doubt is a big bonus to keeping shit tight.
Awesome, Shadow Walker, thanks. That does sound rather nice and open, considering the pickups. It also reaffirms my tendency toward Ash as a body wood. Means that muddyness I was hearing in some basses isn't coming from the Ash, thank fuck.

Some EMG P5s or DCs instead of those Bartolinis should clean right up. I'm very excited about loaning the BTB now, and recording the hell out of it.

Agreed with everything, Harry. The scale is a very important consideration.
Yeah the Bartolinis have active controls and they weren't flat on this di clip but I don't remember how they were set up when we recorded this.
Yeah, so far it's the only bass we've found that meets all our criteria on paper. Will try to get one as a loaner and record the living shit out of it, with 4 different pickup configurations and Millennia processing on/off.
the BTB is my second favorite, dude! We used a BTB on all the King Conquer stuff, also an AMAZING bass that records very well..!

i can't recommend either a Cirrus or BTB highly enough! I'm going to export a BTB DI and the Cirrus DI....! =D
the spector i posted is this one :

Spector Euro LX 4-String Zebrano Highgloss
with EMG 35DC

btw. i have the exact same btb here. but strings are rather old... but its a great bass esp. for the massive low end.
I think the Rickenbacker 4003 is ugly as sin but it sounds really good. Bass tone on this album was 4003

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