Suggest a Studio Bass!

Sandberg California, PM4 Alder Body, P mic with treble boosted/bass flat, zero processing, Art MPA gold hence the underlying saturation, shitty bass player. DI_110.mp3

Tried a JM4 model with an ash body recently. I didn't like it and we ended up using a mexico JB deluxe.
IME, Jazz Bass are totally unimpressive solo'd but always seem to find their way into the mix.
ermin, i know you love the nickelback stuff. this guy plays a spector bass. i recently had a spector bass here for my last production. i totally loved it.
its only a 4 string, but its impressive. heres the di track. i think this bass sounds better with a pick.
this thing has emg pickups, to my ear very hifi sounding. bass demo.mp3

but man this chapman stick is impressive. nice.
Warwick. I just realized this turned into a post bass DI. I won't be able to for about 2 months :(
Thanks for all the DI clips guys, really enlightening. I'm making some headway towards the goal.

I've discovered that the Chapman stick is likely loaded with Villex pickups. I just checked their site and their pickups give that awesome scooped sound. It seems like grabbing a bass and loading em up with aftermarket Villex pups is the way to go.

@dcb: Do you know what model of Spector that is, and was it EQ'd and comp'd on the way down? I've got DIs of another Spector here, and have been tracking with it for quite a while now.
Thanks guys. I'm really starting to zero in on the target now. It seems that I'm after a bass with either two humbuckers or precision-style pickups. The single coil thing is not for me at all, and the Fender thing is definitely not for me at all. The humbuckers thus far are looking likely to be EMG DCs or P5s. The precision style buckers would be Villex, and would bring a sound closer to that Chapman stick DI I posted in the OP. My main concern now is where some potential boomyness in bass sounds may originate, and which tone woods would be ideal to pair with which pickups. More DI clips always help, so please keep em coming guys.

dcb, if you have any idea of what model that Spector was, that would be helpful. I'm still trying to sort some stuff out, and isolate problems with certain DIs I've tracked back here. Knowing what woods and pickups are in that thing would be greatly helpful.
Gonna shoot you the DI from this EP we did...

Peavey Cirrus > Radial DI > Digimax D8 I believe... this is before we got the Trident pre's...

I was running straight into our CL 7602 (upgraded tranny's) but I found I was always after a more hi-fi sound as well... the neve thing is cool for vocals and snare, but I prefer the Trident/API sound much more on most everything else...

I don't quite remember how well the DI came out but I recall it was pretty rocking, considering the chain isn't exactly stellar..

oh and on the EP, i reamped a filtered DI of the bass through our Tremoverb and used the same mic/cab config as the gtrs. THAT made the gtr's and bass fucking nasty as all hell. the gtrs are actually rather dark sounding when I mute the recto bass..
@dcb: Do you know what model of Spector that is, and was it EQ'd and comp'd on the way down? I've got DIs of another Spector here, and have been tracking with it for quite a while now.

no pre or post processing at all, straight into the focusrite saffire 56 di input.
i dont remember the exact model name, but i can ask the bass player,
if you like.
Hey ermz. Just so you know, the ESP you posted aren't all the same, so just as a reference. Garrys bass is like the b5e model but in the f shape. 5 piece mahogany neck blah blah! I'll have some di up for you soon! Oh, and he is getting dc40 in it soon :) it's quite a great bass from what I've heard of it.
I have Music Man Stingray Di's.
Shoot me a note here if you wanna have them, cause I'll have to export and bla...

Ah and Warwick something, but its not well played;)
Post it DOH! ;)

@SigmundFreud33: Post that Peavey DI's .. It's not that expensive and i also need a bass for my studio...and this one looks very interesting!
Aren't you afraid a 6 string is too difficult to learn for a "normal" bassist ? I mean, it's hard to get used to another type of instrument when you're supposed to only track. Why not a 5 string ?
Hey ermz. Just so you know, the ESP you posted aren't all the same, so just as a reference. Garrys bass is like the b5e model but in the f shape. 5 piece mahogany neck blah blah! I'll have some di up for you soon! Oh, and he is getting dc40 in it soon :) it's quite a great bass from what I've heard of it.

I know they aren't, but there was no way to link to the B-416SM directly, so I had hoped with some crafty scrolling and literary abilities people could work it out!

Those clips of yours weren't passing any audio last night, when I tried. Was it something on my end? Can you confirm whether they were exported with something other than silence? Cheers for that.

@LeSedna: I'd prefer a 5 string, that's definitely what I want, but that particular LTD is in a retarded 34" scale until you go up to 6 string. It is one of the dumbest things I've ever seen, but that's how it is.

AboutBlank, by all means please post it for us. I'm building a large collection here and hope to put it up to make everyone's job easier if they find themselves in the same position as I am now.