Suggest a Studio Bass!

An afordable option IMO is the Schecter Studio (4, 5, 6 or 8 string).
Yes it has a mahogany + other (depends on finish) body, but the on board EQ knobs are pretty powerfull. I think it could get the sound you are after.

The strings need to be changed, but feel free to borrow mine for a weekend for some testing if you like. Otherwise you could wait untill I get new strings and I'll post a clip. No idea when that will be though.
Hey neb! That's what milky uses in Orpheus. We just changed the 9v in it the other day after never doing it and holy fucking shit! Is all I'll say. Ermin maybe you should check that out when you get our album di's :)
I have a modulus VJ bass, they kick a stupid amount off ass. Most people use them for jazzy stuff but the pickups on them run so hot, and you have 24dB of gain in the bass' preamp so you can get some really grindy sounding stuff happening.
Dont get a Warwick. There's one on the studio I work on, It's loose as fuck, tubby, undefined...and i've recorded a couple more that has exactly the same (un)qualities.

I think for heavy stuff, nothing beats a Jazz Bass. Great low end but still bright, just perfect coolness. For lighter stuff, P-Bass is the way to go. Btw, both are safe choices - may not be the PERFECT bass but are safe choices.

BTW, a known bassist has a Fender Sting signature and EVERYONE who heard it says it is just pure awesomeness. I never listened to it live, but many people have said that. The guy has a bunch of J and P basses, a Musicman Stingray, but this Sting signature just slays them - according to my buddies. Might be something to check out.
it's funny cause i was at guitar center last week and i tried like 7 different basses, Music Mans, Fenders, Warwicks, and Squires...basses from $299 to $2000 and my God!! was i surprised??!!

The best sounding of all (i left the SVT-Pro to flat)...Squire Delux Jazz V NO SHIT!!

this thing sounds ridiculous...but don't just take my word for HAVE to try it for yourself.
As well they should for $3k. Love the Modulus, wish every bass came with carbon necks.

I have a modulus VJ bass, they kick a stupid amount off ass. Most people use them for jazzy stuff but the pickups on them run so hot, and you have 24dB of gain in the bass' preamp so you can get some really grindy sounding stuff happening.
Yeah post those DIs.

BTW, I forgot to mention what I posted was the DI and the part after that was my suggestion for processing, and not something that is printed on this mp3.
Yeah post those DIs.

BTW, I forgot to mention what I posted was the DI and the part of that was my suggestion for processing, and not something that is printed on this mp3.

Wait, so that DI you posted didn't have any processing? If that's the case, that's rather impressive. Cheers!

@slayercannibaletc.: Thanks mate. I actually already have a DI of a good Warwick Corvette that was tracked through world class gear here. It sounds solid enough for rock music, but it's a bit of a flabby character, as Warwicks tend to have.

Here is a rough clip of that same bass, DI along with Ampeg and some compression etc. etc.: Shoot-out/Porc-Waves1176.wav

I'm after something a lil more hi-fi.

If you guys can post all those DIs you're keen to do, that would be awesome. I want to hear more of these instruments objectively!
Really curious about all that. You people should post DI's of all your basses.

I think I'll do one from my little LTD when I get new strings, just for the sake of doing it.

Creating a full list of bass DIs would be really interesting to browse when you are searching a specific sound when you are searching a new bass. We should add the average price of the bass and some information about it to browse it efficiently.
If rules are like playing a basic riff with new strings (dunno which ones are the most used but d'addario could be the idea) it could still be very interesting.
Wait, so that DI you posted didn't have any processing? If that's the case, that's rather impressive. Cheers!

Correct. I've edited my post to make it more clear.

Here's the same bass in wav, raw and processed:

Curious as to why you wont just go the route of a custom made instrument.
Is it because you need one soon?
It just seems to be that if you've got the money, going to a luthier gives you more bang for your buck.
but he may not know what it is that makes a bass that makes the sound he yurns ;)

What I kinda meant too, was that when he does hear some DI files he likes, he could base a custom bass off the specs of that particular DI'd bass, but then perhaps get something even BETTER made, custom.