Suggest a Studio Bass!

I use one of these, it sounds pretty impressive:

You can't go wrong with Fender and Music-Man basses too.
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the BTB is my second favorite, dude! We used a BTB on all the King Conquer stuff, also an AMAZING bass that records very well..!

i can't recommend either a Cirrus or BTB highly enough! I'm going to export a BTB DI and the Cirrus DI....! =D


That's post number 3 saying how you will so..... :D

Anyway that would be awesome. I'm really keen to hear this Cirrus model. Do you know which particular BTB it was that you used for KK? They vary a bit.

Thanks everyone else, but I'm not interested in the Fender thing in the least. I would sooner fart into my Hellraiser's 707s and use that for grit.
your def fucking your self over refusing to use a fender jazz for bass

they have more grit then i know what to do with

i thought recording the ernie ball string ray was gonna be like heaven but it didn't have the openess or clank i wanted, but ironicly the jazz bass did
I agree, you should honestly try it out yourself at the very least dude! I still retain, The Fender Jazz is the most easiest bass to record ever!
Thanks Phil. From what I can find, it seems to be a little different to the model I'm looking at, but the woods are somewhat similar, apart from the body which is Basswood rather than Ash, and doesn't have the small slices of Bubinga. The new BTB is a neck-thru model, with EMG DCs, which should bring more of that Spector-esque love. I'd love to hear those DIs all the same if you and CJ can muster them up.

From what I understand that particular bass is only like a year or so old, how could the strings be older!??

thats because im pretty sick at the moment and dont know what im saying :loco:
but the model i have here looks exactly the same.
but there is no name on it.. its a btb.. but different pus. i gotta ask the owner (once again ;-)
Warwick thumb(burbinga) is fantastic but the neck is chunky as hell. Musicman sterling is like a more modern hifi version of the stingray, I think itd be the perfect bass for what you want to achieve. Id love to record some Di's for you but I have no recording gear for the time being (sold it all to move to germany).
IBANEZ BTB-555 MP and IBANEZ Soundgear SR 500

just did a quick recording with my two ibanez basses. played a lot with the knobs to show you what can be done with them (distorting when the bass is on full power...)
the btb is a 5 string with bartolinis and the soundgear is a 4 string with bartolinis. personally i love the btb though it is heavy as hell.
the strings are rather old though...but you get the idea i guess.

edit: the first one is the btb and the soundgear starts at 1:33.
Thanks Phil. From what I can find, it seems to be a little different to the model I'm looking at, but the woods are somewhat similar, apart from the body which is Basswood rather than Ash, and doesn't have the small slices of Bubinga. The new BTB is a neck-thru model, with EMG DCs, which should bring more of that Spector-esque love. I'd love to hear those DIs all the same if you and CJ can muster them up.

Yeah dude i'll remind him tonight and we can dig those up for you buddy!
i must admit... i havent exported them because my sessions take each take a certain knowledge to even manage to OPEN them once i'm 100% finished.

any time i go back i forget what all i had to do to get them to open and export correctly. lol.

soooo, tbh, I haven't been arsed to do it as I'm currently trying to finish up an EP's mix!


I upload Music Man and Warwick ASAP.
Havent heard the other Di's, just Ref or something like that or an entire Song?

I just have to smash the fucking cold.