Dunlop MXR Bass DI test


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
A few folks asked for clips of this unit, so here they are.

I've basically taken the raw bass tones straight out of the session. These have absolutely no compression, EQ etc. etc. Just the Bass DI that the band provided, and my subsequent reamps through both my Sansamp PSA-1 and the MXR (running into Softube's Bass Amp Room to round off the gain).

So here are the clips:

Bass DI
Bass Sansamp PSA-1
Bass MXR into Softube Bass Amp Room
Bass PSA-1 and MXR together

Bear in mind once again that these are totally raw, so don't expect to be totally floored by the tones. Bass takes a huge deal of EQ, filtering and compression to sound like what you know and love on albums.

Oh god. That mxr is filthy! The sexy kind. It pretty much blatantly shows the psa1 has no place for those kinds of tones, ala Come Clarity. Would love to hear them both processed too.
Sweet! Anyone else got bass pedals? I want clips of the Behringer Sansamp clone.
Don't mind the bddi. But it's that filthy grit from the mxr that I like in most bass tone. The sansamp covers that spanky spun well enough imo
the MXR sounds cool but I can hear what the software bass sim is doing to the bass sound, ALL of the vst type's seem to do this. LOTS of rounding and overall smearing....

Softube, StudioDevil, SVX, etc.

i like the mix if the two the best...
the MXR sounds cool but I can hear what the software bass sim is doing to the bass sound, ALL of the vst type's seem to do this. LOTS of rounding and overall smearing....

Softube, StudioDevil, SVX, etc.

i like the mix if the two the best...

Have you tried the RPE Bass preamp? Free and sounds great.
My favorites so far would be the Sansamp PSA-1 and the BDDI1.
Quite like t he Mesa Studio Preamp too.
The one I didn't like was the MXR to be honest.
Here's my fun attempt at it ;)
You'll get the amp from the name but I have to acknowledge that a Maxon OD820 was in front of the amp. Sounds a bit phasy, don't know what the hell was going on but oh well, it's just a fun test.
The problem with the PSA-1 is that it has these flat mids which can't really be dialed out. It more or less needs to be run into a cab. Doesn't help that the controls are completely unintuitive too.

The BDDI obviously sounds a lot closer to ready out of the box. The PSA needs more post-processing.

MXR has potential. Its strength seems to lie with the blending of the clean with distortion. The distortion is fuzzy crap, so it has to be run into a cab of some kind to focus it, hence why I ran it into Bass Amp Room. In the future I'll try some impulses too.
Have you tried the RPE Bass preamp? Free and sounds great.

This is the one by Ronald Passion, yes? If so, I agree. It sounds awesome. The only thing I would wish for was more gain! When you drive the input hard, it doesn't sound good.

These clips are great guys. I'm looking for a live bass rig for my bass player, and I would love more bass distortion pedal/preamp shootouts!
I admit I'm not very good at judging how solo'd bass tones would sound in a mix, but the overabundance of 700 Hz in the Sansamp + MXR combo makes me feel the need to blow my nose, if you get my meaning :D So I guess I'd have to say I like the MXR + Amp Room one the most of your clips Ermz, though it's a bit rumbly for my tastes (and I agree with CJ about the smeariness)

FWIW though, while I'm sure you could make any of those tones sound great with your ridiculous processing skillz, I gotta say I much prefer the more mix-ready sound of Burny's BDDI1 clip (and KillDivision's is cool too, though perhaps a bit middy for bass, again, tough for me to judge on its own)