I almost got struck by lightning tonight, and caught it on film


Another lefty freak...
Nov 14, 2003
Ma/Conn Border USA
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We had a mad crazy storm tonight with hail, 60mph winds, you know, the works. We don't get to many storms like this, so I went out on my 2nd story porch with my camera and took some killer shots of some bolts that hit about 100 to 200 feet (could have been as little as 50-75, hard to tell) down my street, plus our apartment also got hit about 5 min after the video was shot too, which blew the lines down the street. I uploaded it to yourtube for all to see.

Your hair must have been a giant fluffball.

I drove out and sat in a lightning storm last summer when I had my t-top camaro. We had a lightning bolt come down from straight above us and curl around in a two pronged spiral and struck within a 10th mile of either side of us. You could feel the concussion through the floorpan. That was so awesome.
I've realized a few things about myself after making this video:

A: I swear waaaay to much.
B: I Have a rediculous Bostonian accent..
C: I say dude way to much.
The accent isn't too bad. But you say dude a lot. You sound like a Californian!

How do you easterners complain? It's 12 at night and it's still 81 outside. I realise it's humid but humid @ mid 80's =/= 105 outside when the wind is a hair drier blowing on you... it's not even HOT yet either.
Yeah, I have no idea why I said 1000 yards, I meant to say 1000 feet, but it ended up being more like 100 feet with some streamers hitting even closer. Things look a lot farther away when your looking at a camera when it happens. Another neat thing too is if you view the big bolt frame by frame, its actually going from the ground up.
Here in the land of cheese, we get some pretty kickass storms.
I was in way northern WI doing some fishing, and we pulled out of a bay, and saw a giant wall cloud. We hauled ass off the lake and got the boat trailered, and tried making our way back to the house. As we were driving, a bolt hit a telephone pole JUST as we passed it. You could feel the heat, and literally taste the electricity. Storms are cool, but you DON'T want to be on the water during them.....

lightning is awesome. i am a nerd and was watching a show on mega lightning on the science channel? or national geographic... anyway.. sometimes they shoot this gas shit up above the clouds that goes up for miles. forget what thats called. some people think it caused the shuttle crash..blah blah.

oh well. well done on the video :D thats frickin close haha