I almost got struck by lightning tonight, and caught it on film

Sweet video man! I as with my buddy the other day and it was fuckiung pouring rain! We where filming somethings in his barn (Which had a plated metal rough lol) and anyhoot as we where running to the barn their was like lightning everywhere, and I swear a lightning bolt hit about 100 feet away and the fucking field was smoking... Was so awsome, and incredibly loud I thought I was death! And yes lightning general starts from the ground up. Although it doesn't appear that way! usually when lightning is striking near by and you're outside you will feel your hair rise (especially on the arms/back of neck) Ugh I've seem a few transformers blow in my life, My dad is an electrician so i've done some work with him before... I'll give you a hint anytime you're fixing these things, or working around these things do not look directly at it, because the brightness can burn your retna's so bad you will/could go blind! The other day going going out I was looking around and saw like a electrical charge go through/around a wire from one post to another... It was actually pretty cool but weird!
RobbM said:
Yeah, my rommmate's from Oklahoma so he was just standing there yawning looking bored..

If it's not an F4 or F5 tornado, he'd probably be bored! :)
Somehow I think some of the OK storms would frighten me.....
I've seen 2 tornados, the biggest was in Kansas, but did no damage, except to some crops, and an outbuilding or 2.....

I just caught a bit of lightning on tape... I'll have it up for you guys. Nothing special.

EDIT: N/M after watching the tape I missed most of it. Though the sound track would be soothing.