I am a happy man.


Sep 16, 2001
I live in the middle of Australia and 99.9% of people here havent heard of the band. I cannot believe I found Still Life and Damnation on Digi-Pack in a local Cd shop. This is fucking amazing, the only Opeth CD's I didnt have too. :hotjump:
Darkness Eternal, Alice Springs is in the dead centre of the country. You could conisder it desert yes, but it is most likely very different to what you would expect.
I dont know why my parents came to this place. But anyway, the town has grown to the size of about 27,000 people now. It still sux though. When I finish school this year I can move ASAP!
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Damn you were lucky to find them.
I visited Aryes Rock last year before emigrating to the UK and it's like there's the rock, the resort, airport, the rest is desert, 3 days was more than enough.
gaz said:
Damn you were lucky to find them.
I visited Aryes Rock last year before emigrating to the UK and it's like there's the rock, the resort, airport, the rest is desert, 3 days was more than enough.

you left australia to go to WALES?!