I am back home and to the forum!


Silent Child
May 8, 2004
the Earth
Dear friends! Dear family!

I am finally back home and happy to be here again! I had some trouble connecting to the Net, but now it seems to be fixed. How has everyone been here? :) Any news? I had a heavy day today, was meeting my ex-girlfriend... It was quite hard and being here is helping me a lot. But I had another highlight of the day. I decided to visit an old church on my way home. It would be more right to say that it was a church years and years ago. So I went there... the rest is in a poem...

I broke up with my girlfriend, she said she is gone
Though she never told me where have I gone wrong
Old wooden church and a child far from me
His eyes, like a torch, with a big, bitter tear...
Whispering the words of a prayer unheard
Fighting the pain, he was reaching for God.
Then he came up closer, gave his trembling hand
Said: "You are an angel who was just sent..."
Would you pray with me, would you be here
'Cause I am afraid and I'm crying from fear
My dad told my mother that he is leaving,
But he promised me and I was believing...
Would you pray with me, so I'm not alone
When you are here, then my fear is gone
Would you pray with me, would you, please, stay
And ask for my father to come back someday?

Just made me think a lot over life and over all what's important...

*hugs and love to your all*

Your loving friend Denis.
metalheads11 said:
Welcome back Dennis

Don't worry...You'll find another girl
one you'll worship like this smiley>>> :worship:
and eventually marry.

How's it going in Kiev? I haven't been there for 23 years.

Thank you for your message, dear friend... As for life in Kiev, I think that 500 Hiroshimas (that's Chernobyl) would say enough and would explain why I am wishing to leave Kiev as soon as it's ever possible...
As for another girl... it's hard to think about it now, but I know deep in my heart that you are right...


Your friend Denis.
windstranger said:
Thank you for your message, dear friend... As for life in Kiev, I think that 500 Hiroshimas (that's Chernobyl) would say enough and would explain why I am wishing to leave Kiev as soon as it's ever possible...
As for another girl... it's hard to think about it now, but I know deep in my heart that you are right...


Your friend Denis.

makes me feel glad my parents and I moved to Israel 4 years before the nuclear accident. But I live in Australia now,It's safe but it's a hell speaking for itself.People here are not exactly nice(especially not to jews :cry: )
at least I have my fionce and a decent job and my metalshop mates.
Welcome back windstranger !!! It's all about people and what and how much can feel and express their feelings. Joy or sorrow, are both the same. The one rely on the other. So my friend from my point of view a good think always follows a bad one and the opposite. Health is more important than any good or bad thing happening in life.