I am blown away!!!!!!!! What a live album

Radiozo said:
Eh? The album and the DVD is the exact same show. So Yes Carina sings background vocals on both the live album and the DVD.

Of course the recordings for both CD and DVD are from the same show, you've probably missed my irony part of my reply, hehe.:p

Was present at that night so i can tell you for sure she was there singing, and not only for the backing vocals, yay!
Well I finally got the cd due to a fuck up with Ginza (which also meant I had no CD in time for the signing session :cry: ) So what can I say... I love it!!! The sound is amazingly clear for a live album and captures the feel of the evening splendidly. I think that this album will be the perfect introduction to Evergrey for new fans just as Live After Death is the best way to introduce someone to Iron Maiden. So great work guys and thanks for another stellar release. Can hardly wait for the DVD to be released on may 24th.
It's truly amazing
i never heard such clear live music on a cd! this is even better then life after death (iron maiden)
Thanks evergrey for such sound!
well i am still waiting till i can find the cd or some one send it to me from out side
I like most of the album, the only beef I have with it is Tom's vocal performance.

It seems like he is "over-singing" some parts. Trying to put too much emotion into it instead of just belting it out like in the studio cuts. The perfect example of this is "Solitude Within".

I don't know, just seems like he is trying to do TOO much with the emotion in his voice. The man's still a fucking amazing singer though, that cannot be denied by anyone with a set of working ears.
Tom, Henrik, Jonas, Michael, Rikard, Carina and everyone else on the CD,

I just wanted to say that I am very impressed with the quality of the Live CD. I wish I could have been in Gothenburg with you for the show. It sounds like it was a lot of fun and I can't wait to see the DVD.

Keep up the great work!!!

Take care,

Hi girls and guys!

I bought the CD right on March, 14th. Once payed I put it into my CD-Changer-Magazine of my car-audio....and I was blown away! Great performance by all who took part of this recording! I just saw them once last year, and this recording reflects the raw power of an EVERGREY-Gig perfectly. Technicaly brilliant with more emotion anybody would expect from a metalband. I really love their Music!

I´m looking forward seeing you guys again in Munich, on April, 24th. :Spin:

You know what´s best on April, 24th? It´s my Birthday, too, and I will see and hear EVERGREY again!!!!

Keep it heavy! Keep on rockin´!

"...Now :Spin: , and :wave: to Arnold!" :grin:
I was planning on buying the DVD and not the CD. But I couldn't resist after al your reactions about it. So I bought the CD and I must say that you were right. This is really a great album. I didn't regret that I could wait for the DVD.
Hope the DVD is even better:)
DragonOfBlood said:
I like most of the album, the only beef I have with it is Tom's vocal performance.

It seems like he is "over-singing" some parts. Trying to put too much emotion into it instead of just belting it out like in the studio cuts. The perfect example of this is "Solitude Within".

I don't know, just seems like he is trying to do TOO much with the emotion in his voice. The man's still a fucking amazing singer though, that cannot be denied by anyone with a set of working ears.

I think Tom does an excellent job on the live-cd, but what I dont understand is why they insist on having the piano so low, and especially in Solitude within! It's just the coolest thing when the heavy guitars been trucking for a while and the paino takes over the rythm, but you cant fucking hear it!!! :yell:
The pianos are at an ok volume, and in a way, add to the ambience, such as the beginning of RD, but it would be cooler to have them cranked up a bit. Rikard doesn't use goofy sounds and doesn't overdo it, so why not turn it up?

In the case of the recent Jordan era Dream Theater, I wished they'd turn him down, like out of the band. He goes way too far.
jaimek said:
SK: The PM'ers were complaining about the sound quality, mostly. But there isn't much they *won't* bitch about, so I don't take them too seriously. *grin*

The sound IS terrible... take this and compare to what standards it has to live up to today... It simply isn't good enough!

Well, if you haven't gotten it yet, you still have about a week to win the cd in BeyondEarCandy.com's monthly cd contest giveaway. Just fill in your name, e-mail address and the answer to the pathetically easy contest question and your entered for the random drawing. Anyone can win anywhere and we pay the shipping. Past winners have come from Finland, Russia, Germany, Romania, Australia as well as the U.S. Good luck!