I am going to see Pirates of the Caribbean in an hour...

Rodrigo said:
I saw it last night and I thought it was a very good entertaining film and once again Johnny Depp is great in a movie.

Speaking of previews did anybody catch the preview of Haunted Mansion? Its based on the Disneyland ride like Pirates was and its going to start Eddie Murphy.
I saw it, it looks good. After seeing Pirates of the Caribbean tonight, I have a whole new respect for Disney. That movie owns! I loved it so much! And Legolas and Johnny Depp looked so cool! They eye-liner made him sinister. And he was so funny. And it was such a great movie!:) :grin:

And they didn't have that stupid Disney castle with the rainbow going over it before the movie!

Disney on their own sucks these days. (I.E. Sinbad)
I like their work when they get with Pixar, though. Yes, I can enjoy very immature movies.:err: Silly me. Finding Nemo was great, Cryptopsy shirt and all. (Big bad me in a theater with 200 5 year olds:lol: )
tara said:
The effects were fantastic

Shouldn't we expect the effects to be fantastic these days? I'm passed the point of being awed by special effects. Every movie has them now days and I'm not sure that any recently made movies have poor effects. You can expect good special effects the way you can expect good dialogue. Sooner or later these folks in Hollywood are going to have to realise that the effects thing has been done, we expect it now and they are going to have to hit us with some kind of a story.

I'm not to sure that a movie based on an amusement park ride is exactly the story I'm looking for. What's next, a movie about the tea cups?

"Coming to a theatre near you...Tea Cups...The Movie!"
I agree with possessed, you should not expect any sort of gripping story out a movie based on a 3 minute ride at Disney World of ALL places. I thought that place was boring as hell when I was like 6. Anyhow...the only movie I'm DYING to see is Return of the King. That bastard better start thinking about doing The Silmarillion...
Well....I'm easily amused and have seen recent Hollywood films with special effects that were probably done by a retarded 20 year old.
I know, hopes for The Silmarillion are not high, especially because so many people who know what LOTR is (but haven't read it probably) would have no clue what The Silmarillion is. But as a story its so great, full of war and revenge etc etc - its much darker than the trilogy, I would love to see it - considering especially how many times ive listened to Nightfall in Middle Earth. :D
Oh, and I'm right pissed that there will now be no new Conan movie. The owners of the rights to Conan refused to change their plans of making a movie in line with the dark/violent (AUTHENTIC) first movie, as the studio started lobbying for a more...Scorpion King like family 'adventure', so the owners pulled the plug altogether. Sucks. I love the old RObert E Howard stories, and the first movie crushes. D:<
I just read a review with Peter Jackson and he implied that he would like to make The Hobbit, but its still all talk. This was contrary to what I have heard (i.e. him hating the idea).
tara said:
I just got back from seeing it!
Here's my half-assed review :)

The effects were fantastic, the fighting was great, the story itself was cool and our stars Depp and Bloom were awesome! There's a lot of humor thrown about the movie too which made it even better.
And for the record, I didn't freak out or stop breathing even once when I saw Johnny Depp or Orlando Bloom. :hotjump:

Yes, but I bet your glad that cinema's are all dimly-lit affairs so that you b/f was none the wise when your hands went roaming.... :rolleyes:

I know, hopes for The Silmarillion are not high, especially because so many people who know what LOTR is (but haven't read it probably) would have no clue what The Silmarillion is. But as a story its so great, full of war and revenge etc etc - its much darker than the trilogy, I would love to see it - considering especially how many times ive listened to Nightfall in Middle Earth. :D

Don't be daft!! :p

It'll be a cold day in hell before the Silmarillion makes it to the movie theatres..... there's no movie there.

Besides, the Silmarillion isn't a book, it's a bloody encyclopedia :loco:
Yeah, it is at parts just a bunch of descriptions, etc, but the storyline of the elves and their fall, Morgoth, all of that, is great stuff. At least to nerdy folk like myself.
Yup, I love that book. I'm working on The Unfinished Tales, The Book of Lost Tales I, and The Shaping of Middle-Earth right now. Yes, all at once. But they might be making The Hobbit!!! This thread prompted me to search Kazaa for the Return of the King trailer and I found one and downloaded it. It turned out to be about The Hobbit! I don't know how reliable it is. It had some scences from The Fellowship like Gandalf knocking on Bag End's door. But it had Esgrough (or whatever) being attacked By Smaug! And shots of Ian Holmes I'd never seen before! So I'm very hopeful about The Hobbit....
Apparently the guy who plays gandalf has a clause in his contract to make another Tolkien movie (read the Hobbit).

Also I think they could easily piece together the original war with Sauron, and how the rings came about etc in the earlier ages to make some more movies.
nataservant said:
exactly what I stated:grin:

I guess it's kinda like starting a thread called:

'I'm gonna listen to a cd in an hour...'

Just causing a conflict and you went for it. :lol:
Eat a bag of dicks.:cool:
nataservant said:
exactly what I stated:grin:

I guess it's kinda like starting a thread called:

'I'm gonna listen to a cd in an hour...'
