Hey I saw this movie in Walnut Creek, California on Friday, and there were several points during the movie where there was some sort of phasing issue and all the sound shot to either the left or right for a few seconds. Anyone else notice this?
Yeah, my roommates are psyched for it, and I really wasn't expecting anything when I found out it involved cannibal-zombie-fallout-victim-things - I guess I was right.
i don't know about phasing but i've been noticing alot of stange bit-crusher sounding... sounds in a few movies. It doesn't sound like they put it in there intentionally though. on movie with the bit crusher thing going on was pathfinder, that viking movie.
Kind of related, I went and saw Click when it came out, and the sound was trashed on that. It was all warped and kept slowing right down, but it kinda fit the theme of the film well. It was only when I watched it again at home that I realised the sound wasn't supposed to be like that!