I am only going to say 2 things !


Feb 11, 2002
The Netherlands
When the walls go down - Never, never expected this song live on stage, now we even got it with a string quartet!

For every tear that falls - Now i can die a happy man

(who needs to go to bed right now)
Hi Henk, I see you got back home safely already. Didn't you get enough sleep at the airport!? :p
Mattias, I hope someone kicked you out of the train in time and you got back safely too? :D
Only I am still left here it seems ;)

And yeah, awesome show. Henk already mentioned the special highlights and they gave us goosebumps I can tell you :)
*still in Göteborg* :D It'll take another 5 days until I'm back home.

We could maybe also mention the small choir Evergrey had last night (trying to stay on topic ;) ) If I had the setlist with me, I would post it now too :rolleyes:
It was good seeing you guys there too, glad you made it home safe-n-sound. We just got home ourselves. It's was just one of those nights you just never forget, wasn't it? Nearly brought a tear to my eye hearing "Every Tear that Falls".

Sue and Erik and Melody too...
Havermout said:
When the walls go down - Never, never expected this song live on stage, now we even got it with a string quartet!

For every tear that falls - Now i can die a happy man

(who needs to go to bed right now)

i agree man..what a show..what a night..goosebumps all over :headbang:
InteractiveUrinalCommunicator said:
I can't wait to hear the live version of "For Every Tear That Falls".

I actually recorded it with my digi cam (for home usage of course), but the damn thing only snatched the images, or at least I'm not able to 'extract' the sound source from the quickview player, bollox :loco: Fortunally someone else recorded it as well, with 18 cameras, I can wait for that :headbang: