I am truly starting to believe that Kalmah are one of the best bands ever

I think I like Catamenia better than EToS. Catamenia, as some of you may know, features the bassist from Kalmah. They are a great band, I like their album Eskhata the best but Chaos Born, the new one, is also great.
Catamenia rocks out, it's true. And I agree - Eskhata is probably my favorite. Has a lot of awesome songs on it - Time In My Hands is probably by far the grooviest, though.
I don't think Kalmah are one of the best bands ever. From a technical standpoint their music seems really simplistic... like its the basic embodyment of the melodic death genre. They have some good melodies here and there but they're all just very simple ideas, and albeit trying to get into them more, I can't seem to.

Also in no way are Kalmah even close to previously said band who's name I can't mention because its some affront to god to compare the 2 bands together.
I just bought Swampsong, and I have to say, I can die a virgin and still have no regrets in life. I'm still more of a Skyfire fan as of now, but keep in mind I've only heard a little bit of their other two albums. My only disappointment is that it doesn't have Evil in You on it. I love that song. But that's all the more reason to get Swamplord.
Moonlapse said:
I don't think Kalmah are one of the best bands ever. From a technical standpoint their music seems really simplistic... like its the basic embodyment of the melodic death genre. They have some good melodies here and there but they're all just very simple ideas, and albeit trying to get into them more, I can't seem to.

Also in no way are Kalmah even close to previously said band who's name I can't mention because its some affront to god to compare the 2 bands together.
You like Stabbing Westward, so your opinion doesn't count. PFO.
No, I don't really like Stabbing Westward anymore. I maintain the site (maintain being in very loose terms) just for nostalgic reasons really. I don't see how it matters however. Just because you're obviously a Kalmah fanboy and 100% biased I'm not telling you to PFO. Please keep flaming. Show me the extent of your intellect :lol:
Of course I'm biased, and so are you. Musical preference is all about bias and opinion. You're obvioulsly a Bodom fanboy who has come to the Kalmah board to stir the pot, which is why I asked you to PFO. We've seen it before and frankly, Kalmah fans and the band themselves are sick of the bloody comparisons with that band. I would not have even responded to your original post, were it not for your final sentence.

I find the majority of CoB's music to be technically proficient (Alexi is godly), albeit quite boring. But you don't see me trolling the CoB boards looking for the golden opportunity to make a smartass comment.

You're right that liking Stabbing Westward doesn't matter though - that was just a sarcastic jab. If I advertised that I own two Korn CDs, you could easily ridicule me for it and I would understand where you're coming from. My thought process was "okay so this guy loves the Bodom, slags Kalmah, and maintains a bleeding SW site?! Ha!".

I personally don't feel I was trying to stir shit. Actually what I wanted to do here is tell my honest opinion, and I really wish it could be a more positive one, however the truth of the matter is that it isn't.

The reason I got so shitty about the band comparison is because it seems like it's outlawed here or something. But the comparison was first brought up by the thread starter and I felt I had to clarify where I stood on the matter.

Lately all I've had in my CD player is Kalmah, CoB and Nightwish, so I've had alot of time to draw comparisons, even if not actively realizing I was doing it. So I really have thought out what I've said and you won't see me say that it's trolling or shit-stirring because I truly believe it.

Anyway, thanks alot for clarifying things up on your side.

Shit stirring? What the fuck are you guys into anyway? :lol:

By the way Moonlapse, an affront to God is a bit of an overstatement, don't you think?

Anyway, sorry for the inconvenience I may have caused comparing the two. I love both bands.

Death owns both of them. That's all that matters.
EToS is the SHIT. Although Kalmah is not an extension of EternalTears, because the were Kalmah Before Antti and Pasi even joined EToS. Altti and Pete from EtoS were in Kalmah before the Kalmah dudes (as mentiond above) were in EToS. But Kalmah and EToS are in my top 5 favorite metal bands along with another unmentionable Finnish band.

actually i like kalmah a lot specially the track "swamphell"(can anyone provide me with tabs for it..id die happilly if i was to perish soon).....but i think cob is a better band because they've played longer and have a lot more songs than kalmah...i like all the kalmah tracks i've heard and i like all of cob's cd's every little track is great....but both bands play different types of black metal i don't even know why they are being so compared ...............norther vs. children of bodom would make more sense....but nodoby would like that either cause each band is great and i would rather listen to all of them than just one........
obviously spiritcrusherx is a death fan but why don't you have a death avatar instead of that crappy metallica avatar (spirit crusher-first song i completely learned on bass....my fav. death cd).......(personally i dislike metallica thats it....no more to say...)(i just think they're new music sucks)