I bought a bass guitar


I have the power
Apr 14, 2001
Brisbane, Australia
Yay for me.

Sure, it's a dodgy no-name brand I got on eBay for $90 (bidding started at a paltry 95 cents). Sure, it's just a normal-sized guitar with bass strings on it. Sure, it didn't come with a strap or a stand.

But I now own a bass! Yay! Will give me a chance to practice and, if I'm good at the short, Dodgy Brothers bass guitar, I'll be able to get a decent one and be able to play it! Surely Geddy Lee and Steve Harris also started with a dodgy bass they bought on eBay?

Hmm, hang on. I just looked at the eBay listing and it says it's a full-length one (43 inches)... yet it looks just like my other guitar, except with bass strings. So what's the deal?

I own a bass guitar! Woo!
I think all of us need to hook up one weekend and have a jam/write some slick tunes.

What have we got....
Bass covered by Blitz Tinman Spiff and Trixxi
The smooth guitar stylin of Lance Lazer
Spruce Goose on the keys
The Todd Squad on drums

Just need a vocalist....
Unless we all do 32 part harmonies

I bought a bass because it was good value and I couldn't refuse. Cool to have a bash on now and again, but I don't play all that often. Not having amplification doesn't make playing it real appealing.

I bought a new Maton accoustic a couple of months ago and haven't been able to put it down since. Have only played my electric a couple of times since...mainly because it is a piece of shit. I can't wait until I can afford to upgrade it.
I have some gaytars and pianos lying about the house. :kickass:

Don't worry, I'll do the singing.

Tinman plays guitar, so he we can have two guitarists... maybe three if Phloggy jumps ship. We can be like Maiden, except with good album covers... because our art direction will be by SALTY.

Wrathy can write our lyrics. Gorey can book our gigs and write nice things about us. Sydo can be our manager, because he's a conservative and conservatives are good with money.

So when's the first gig?
Can I also sit at the piano with my back to the audience drinking whisky and smoking cigars? That's pretty much all I've ever wanted to do.
I'll just hang around the band and look cool, like Sean E Sean and Sean E Mac did with Body Count.
Spiff said:
Wrathy can write our lyrics.

I don't think my navel-gazing Morrissey meets Sting with a dash of Paul Simon approach to lyrics would suit the direction you guys are going for. Can I be the journo who follows you around on tour instead?

Only trouble is, my Mum'll probably ring every five minutes and tell me not to do drugs :).