I bought some cds!

Yeah, he had some good screams and so on on CFH, I did like him on VDOP too though, not that hes in my list of good singers anywhere :D
Originally posted by spawn
Skinlab - Disembody The New Flesh: Someone on the MD board said this was great, their name escapes me at the moment though...
I think it was Blitzkrieg. ;) :D What do you think of it? Is the opening track a killer or what!! :rock:

Phil's vocals aren't bad, as he has different styles. Earlier Pantera (CFH, Power Metal) he sounded great, but on the later stuff, it suits the music. His vocals on in Down are great. 'Stained Glass Cross' :rock:. He sounded alright on the song he did on the first Iommi album, but I don't think I like the idea of him doing a whole album. And yes, he is drunk half the time. I'm pretty sure he was stoned off his head at their last Melb gig...

I have been meaning to hear some G/Z/R for years, but haven't got around to it. Whats it like? Recommended track for d/l?
Yes, Disembody is way better than their new one! :rock:

Ill get back to you on the GZR stuff, I havent given it a proper listen yet!
Originally posted by spawn

:D Ive been to HMV and Sanity, they didnt have much there :)

Bah! I'm not taking about chain stores. Go to Red Eye Records at 66 King St, Sydney. They have a small but excellent selection of metal and they're cheaper than Utopia. Plus they have a great selection of second hand stuff at piddling prices.
Spiff, I've bought Crazy Nights three times at last count. Once on tape when it first came out, again on CD ten years later and the remastered version a few months ago. Does that make up for Spawn not buying it yet?

I enjoy it, but it's far from my favourite KISS album. Good songs that would have sounded much better without the polished, keyboard-drenched production. Who else likes Thief In The Night as much as I do? :).


PS: Great cover too!
Wrathy, I shall not get down from my high horse until Spawny buys the album. I think it's great that you've bought it three times (hell, I've only bought it once!) but I think most of us here would agree that Spawn needs a lot of education when it comes to his musical tastes, and this would be an excellent place to start.
You almost quoted a song from Crazy Nights there!

"And nothing's gonna change me, cos that's who I am! Ooh!"

See, so close yet so far. Come to the dark side, Spawny, give in to your hate.
How awesome is Good Girl Gone Bad, and Hell On High Water? I mean Gene's non-makeup material before Revenge left ALOT to be desired imo but those 2 songs RULE! (Not For The Innocent was his other best one I think!)

And what about Bang Bang You? And I'll Fight Hell To Hold You? And the 3 singles are all great... ahh it's an awesome album :)
Agreed Troops, but how much better would the whole 80s KISS catalogue have sounded if it were produced by Gene, Paul and Michael James Jackson in the same style as Creatures? Everything from Lick it Up to Hot in the Shade is much too polished IMHO. Great material, but I like my KISS the same way I like my human flesh, raw and uncorrupted by keyboards :heh:.

Hahahah yeah I agree, Creatures has GREAT production. Although I think for most of the other '80s material which was also written in a glammier style, somewhere between the Creatures production and that '80s production would've been good. Perhaps like the Hot In The Shade production with slightly louder drums :)